[17. Busy stuff :P]

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First off---

I wanna apologise to everyone I'm doing art trades with as I'm going to put a stop to them AT THE MOMENT ^^'


All I've got right now with me is a mechanical pencil and a crappy piece of rubber (my art supplies were left at school yesterday ;v;) so I won't be able to do any lining and colouring XD

Though I've got a lot of your sketches prepared~

Annnnndd so many stuff is happening right now at my school, so I'm getting distracted more often than I used to

Also, my school recently is holding this thing called  '小老闆'  for the 9th grade students (which means muah ;P) Apparently, I don't know the English name (Small boss business?? XD Small business?) for this activity but basically all we do is to work in groups and sell stuff to our lower form schoolmates~

One of the stuff they're planning to sell were self drawn stickers. And of course, I was given the opportunity to draw some cool well-known characters that'd gain a lot of popularity so we'd be able to sell them :P

And I did XD

At least some of them~

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At least some of them~

It'd be BEYOND AWESOME if anyone of you have any cool suggestions for me! That'll be a lot of help <3

Peace out~ ❤️

Queen J's Art Book 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora