Chapter 1

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~Faithe's  POV~

What a lovely night it is. You know  the one filled with full moon and sky filled with bright, shining stars. So as any other-cough-normal teenager, we decided to spend this night having a sleepover. How fun...not.

"Here I come!" Zoe screamed as she threw the pillow at Diana. Diana being a secret ninja, caught  the pillow easily. "Hah! Like a pro!" She exclaimed with a smirk. I saw this as a chance to throw a pillow at her which hit her straight at the back of her head.

"Owwww! HOLY-"

"Who's the pro now?" I smirked. As soon as I said that a pillow hit me square in my face. "Wahooo!"

And before you guys assume, let me tell you we are not 10. Infact we are going to start our senior year next week.

~10 minutes later~

We were all lying on Amelia's bed, panting and laughing after the amazing pillow fight.

"So now what? I'm bored already" whined Sam. "I don't know. Anyone got any games?" Scar asked.

"Games? What are we? Five?" Mia scoffed. "No. Six." Alex said bursting into laughter at her own 'joke'. We all ignored her as usual.

"What is the key to perfect sleepover?" Sky murmured to her own self.

"Food?" Zoe asked hopefully. Diana nodded energetically.

"We just ate like 20 minutes ago", Amelia said, speaking up at last. I swear you could count on your fingers the times she opens her mouth.  "25" I said. Mia threw a pillow at me. Really? Oh well Game on. As I threw the pillow at Mia, Amelia caught it mid way.

"Girls first of all behave and second don't throw Mr Cupcake around like that" She said with a pout and then left the room hugging 'Mr Cupcake'. We all looked at each other and then shrugged. That girl was crazy in her own way.


So typical right? A bunch of teenagers having a sleepover with pillow fights and giggles. Yup sounds so cliché. And that's what we want, to make it cliché. To enjoy our lives in the most childish way before we let the hurricane named 'senior year' hit us.

To be honest I'm kind of scared. No not because of studies or any shit of that sort. I'm scared because I've heard people say how senior year changes everyone. How people find their true love and how they separate from their friends. I don't personally believe in the true love shit but the school is a witness. A witness of two people who used to once enter the school with interlinking arms and wear matching outfits every week. The same people who now scowl on seeing each other from opposite ends of the corridors. The people who used to fight over who gets to eat the last cupcake now fight on how their life is much better than the other.
Every high school is not only a building but a structure made of memories along with bricks and cement. I know I'm being paranoid but I can't help it. So I just keep telling myself nothing would change. After all if you say it enough you'll start believing it. After all as Diana always says 'Chicks before Dicks'. Now that I think about it, it sure does sound gay...


"Cookies everyone!" Amelia entered with a plate of mouth-watering chocolate chip cookies. And that was enough to send everyone jumping on her. Eh Teenagers.

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kisses- F & Z

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