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I want to thank you
Because whether you know it or not you're my sun.
My safe place til the storm is done.
You always come out and bring back fun.
You make me forget pain,
And bring back my smile with an ease like we're playing a game.
With you there is no pain.
Every moment with you I gain
Everything. Every piece of myself of thought had drown in the rain.
You aren't like everyone else.
You aren't concerned with only yourself.
You take everyone and everything into consideration.
Everyday with you is like the best vacation.
When I'm with you I live I feel alive!
You wake me up and because of you now I thrive.
Before you my life was hell.
I always wondered if you knew. When you saw me could you tell?
I've never been able to hide things you've always just known like I'm some book you've read.
I need you to know with you by my side we've killed my demons they're dead.
Your smile brightens my world and makes me dizzy in the head.
Everything about you makes me want to drag you to bed.
I melt at just the sound of your voice.
You fit me in every way. No competition there is no choice.
I just need you to know...to understand
You are my dry land
My warrior
My happy
My safe harbor
My sun 

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