The New Feeling

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Japan's POV

I was walking to the store and I saw something that I didn't appreciate.I saw the thing getting beat up." Hey what are you doing this person " I said mad " Well she  - " America started but I didn't want to hear it so I punch America in the face and ran away with this person.America said that well she stuff."Hey are you ok " I asked wondering if the person was ok.The person didn't say anything like the person saw something and was sarced to move.I wanted to make sure that this person was ok .I took this person home .The person woke up. This person had short hair and h/c hair with e/c eyes.This person was wearing a hoodie for some reason."How are you feeling " I asked the person. "Hurting ...." the person repy.I had this feeling were I felt compete.For some reason I like this person.


All I remember is and guy with light brown hair and glasses started to hit me.It wasn't the first time that I got hit.Then I saw someone punch the dude and save me.I never got saved by anyone.So why now,Why would I get saved then I realize that the person who hit was the country America.So the person who had to "save " me was the country of Japan.I had gotten beaten so bad to were I pass out.When I woke up I saw that I was in a house with two other countries other than Japan. "How are you feeling " Japan asked me .I repy that I was hurting .I adked me why I wear a hoodie and I told him.He understood. I told him that I was used to this type of beating .He asked if I would take off my hoddie so he could clean my wounds.I told him that I didn't feel right if I had my chest showing.He went to a room and got a big towel .He said cover your chest if you don't feel right. I did when I took my hoddie off.He actually turn around for me .When I was done,he clen my wounds and I put my hoddie back on.Why was I getting a warm feeling from my chest.I never felt this way because I always had got beaten by my mom and dad.I always felt sad and not wanted.This was new for me.  

Hello and this is my first ever story no here .If you like this story and want another chapter then tell me in the commets.Until we met again.Bye .

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