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Hello my fellow little (and big) writers!

Im eih500 but you guys can call me munchkin!
This book will be full of ideas and tips for writing books! I personally love reading and writing but the writing part... I struggle with.
I quite often start writing a book but within a couple of chapters t
hink of another idea and get bored of the current one.
So i started this! Yay!

So please dont bother me about updates! I have a busy life and dont have to do this.
I would appreciate if people told be if these ideas are good or bad but please do it in a nice way please!
Obviously, I'm happy for people to use these ideas but i would like it if you didn't copy the whole book!
And one last thing, I'm happy for people to message me for ideas on where to take their own book and get tips on how to write certain things... however I will not give out any of my personal information so please don't expect anything like that.
Well let the ideas begin!

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