Cameron Frye

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"I can't handle anything!" Cameron yells out.

"Well what makes you think that?" Ferries asks.

"Did you see me back there? I couldn't get the balls to ask Y/N, someone I've know forever, out on a date."

"Cameron, babe, asking girls out on dates is a nerve-racking thing, especially for someone like you."

"How am I gonna do it, Ferris? I can't just sit there and watch some other guy ask Y/N out, she's the only girl I've ever actually felt feelings for."

"Well then ask her out!"

"I can't! I physically can't."

"That's bullshit. You really like Y/N, am I right?"

"Yea, I practically love her." Cameron says as his face softens.

"That's what I thought. Well, if you really love a girl, you've gotta do anything to be with that girl, anything to make her happy. Sometimes you've gotta step out of your comfort zone. But you know what? In the end it's the best feeling in the world, having the girl of your dreams." Ferris says, being serious for once.

"But what if she says no?"

"We'll never know unless you ask. Plus, have you seen how much the two of you get along? I think there's a higher chance of her saying yes."

"You really think so?"

"I know so." Ferris grins.

"Thanks Ferris. Ya know, you're actually a pretty good friend when you're not being so demanding." Cameron says with a laugh.

"What can I say? You know I'm the best there is."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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