Six Man Frat

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i warned you [well i haven't so i'm now gonna warn you] i am not a pro writer so don't expect from me okay?.


This is a six man frat but with one girl.

she insisted, and at first they didn't agreed.

the girl told them that she would do anything just to be in their frat.

thanks to their greenfully minds they'd agreed.

"Sarap o Hirap?"

the girl didn't know what they're saying but she doesn't want to experience being blindfolded and hurt her, so she said--not knowing what it means.

"I chose sarap

three members smirked at her, and she felt that she made a wrong move. she clearly made one, but too bad for her, she can't turn her back now.

She just met the underworld of this world--the Six Man Frat.

do you want to know what sarap means?


So first story ever about frat and gang, this plot just popped into my head because of our ep lesson a while ago. and my teacher said that "sarap and hirap" is true. but i don't know so i just made a story about it.

no permanent characters yet.

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