"LIGHT" by keaton st. james

69 3 0

found in the dictionary poetry department


60% holding hands with jesus, 30% clouds coming down to kiss you on the forehead, 10% the world being a cornucopia 

tastes like:

thorny brambles and mustard seeds

allergy information:

talks religion in unconventional ways. contains mentions of kissing jesus christ. although obviously not meant to be blasphemous, it may not be for everyone. 

best paired with:

bon iver's '33 "GOD"'

free sample:



1. [...]

2. in waking life you are a boy with soft shoulders and a softer heart. you've never kissed jesus, but there's a part of you that wants to someday, even with your wicked knees and red-stained mouth. you trace your fingers over the bible-words like they could paint a braille portrait of the curves of his lips. late at night, in the dark, you whisper to him, i hope you aren't ashamed to love me, and somewhere unseen he whispers back, darling, i have loved you shamelessly since before you were stardust."

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