new gadget

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Venom showed us what he is going to use to shoot the poison darts.

 "it called "the phantom blade" it is silent and you can switch from normal darts to berserk dart and poison darts" Venom explained

"alright use the berserk dart on one guard and when he is close to death poison another guard"

Venom slides a berserk dart in the phantom blade and takes aim on the bigger guard, he fires and hit him, we see him bend down then rise back up look to another guard and attacks the two guards were taken by surprise they have never seen anyone act like this before, as soon the berserk guard raised his weapon, the other guard toke the chance to attack and hit.

"poison the other one now!" Dakota shouted

Venom now put the poison dart in and shot and hit

"it will take about 5 seconds for the poison to activate"

"alright Trevor threw a smoke and flash bomb so we can get through" Dakota told me

I throw the smoke and flash as soon as we start to move but something failed with the flash so the templars weren't blinded but the smoke kept us hidden so we got through and got to the doors safely.  

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