Chapter 11 - Waiting is the Hardest Part

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Luke paced the waiting room floor while Lorelai sat down staring at her shoes. Both had tear-stained faces. Not knowing what was happening next, or even what was happening at that moment. They hadn't seen Rory or a doctor since the ambulance pulled in, and it was driving them crazy.

Lorelai started to reminisce on the day Rory was born. Richard and Emily found the note she left explaining her water broke and rushed to the hospital. Typical Emily was going off on Emily, not taking the fact that her only daughter was in labor into consideration. All of the negativity went away when Rory was born. The three Gilmores stared in awe at the newest member of the family. She was so small, with her rosy little cheeks. She had the biggest eyes and was alert for a newborn. Lorelai cherished that moment forever. It was the only good moment she had in a hospital. Her other memories weren't as heartwarming.

She thought of Richard and the three times he was rushed to the hospital, and the third being his final trip. Luke drove her the first time. He closed the diner minutes after she heard the voicemail from Rory, and dropped everything to drive her. He stayed with her until she insisted he drive Rory home for her. Luke was someone she could always count on, even back then. The second time Richard was in the hospital, Luke was there for her. Despite her recent marriage to Christopher, he came for support and helped her and Emily handle the situation. He then came back with food for the Gilmores and Logan, all while Christopher was missing. When he eventually showed up, Luke showed himself the way out, and didn't interfere.

The third, and final visit, for Richard, was the hardest. Luke and Lorelai had already been together nearly nine years, and he was there for every second. The three Gilmore women barely said a word for days, they all silently acknowledged that this was it. The doctor who oversaw Richard at the time wasn't enthusiastic about a possible recovery for the beloved Gilmore father, husband, and grandfather. He stressed the importance of preparing for the worst, something none of the Gilmore girls wanted to face. Luke took it upon himself to do what he could for them. After all, Lorelai was a huge help when his uncle Louie passed away. He owed it to her, and to Rory and Emily. He spoke to the doctor and started making arrangements for the realistic outcome. The girls spent all of their time with Richard and Luke didn't let them lift a finger. When the dreaded day came, almost two years ago now, everything had been set and planned. Lorelai broke down and thanked Luke profusely for all that he had done. All Luke said was, "We're family. That's what families do."

Now here Lorelai was once again, in a hospital and scared for her life, and Luke was here with her. She watched him pace back and forth and knew he was scared, too.

"For the last time, I'm looking for my granddaughter, Rory Gilmore. What do I have to do to get some help around here?" asked Emily.

"Mom, you came. We're over here." said Lorelai.

"Of course I came. Although I found out from Sookie instead, but I did come. Logan drove me, he's off parking the car."

Lorelai let her mother's snide comment go. They had more important things to focus on.

"Are you Mrs. Gilmore?" asked the doctor.

Lorelai spun around, "Yes, I am."

"Your daughter and the baby are doing just fine. Rory had a case of Braxton Hicks contractions. The reason she fainted was because these were a bit more painful than a normal episode of Braxton Hicks. Which is common, and can cause faint-like symptoms. We are going to keep her overnight for observation, but she is doing fine and you can see her now."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, I want to see her." Lorelai said.

"Shouldn't we wait for Logan?" asked Luke. He wasn't fond of the guy, but he is the father and should be there. As Luke asked, Logan ran in. He was out of breath and nervous as hell.

"Logan Logan, she's fine. It was a case of Braxton Hicks. We can see her now."

They all followed the doctor to Rory's room. She was sitting up and had a bowl of ice cream on a tray. Lorelei smiled and rolled her eyes jokingly. She was happy to see her daughter up and eating normally.

"I know, this isn't a kale salad, but a girl and her baby boy have to eat."

Luke smiled. "As long as you're okay kiddo, I'll get you whatever flavor of ice cream you want."

"Oh honey I'm so happy you're ok. I love you so so much." Lorelai said as she squeezed Rory. "Don't you ever scare me like that again."

"Can we get you anything?" asked Emily. "Anything you need, just name it." said Logan.

"Nothing right now, thank you."

Rory smiled at everyone in the room and rubbed her stomach. Her baby boy has a great family, and so does she.

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