Chapter 30

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"Ionia..." Myran's eyes were like two crystal orbs, deep blue and full of unbelief.

Starflare raised one eyebrow, but said, "My name is Lancyl Starflare, commander of the Wolf-Rayet, and I've contacted you to inform you that, as you can see, I've found your missing princess. I'm assuming you're the contact in the ad my crew and I saw for the planet kingdom Wynoa?"

Myran blinked a few times, as if not sure what was going on, and frowned at Starflare. "Um, yes, the king has given me orders to handle the search."

"Good. My crew is on the way right now to your planet. Is there anything you wish to say, princess?"

When he turned to Ionia, she realized that she had a few options. She could explain to Myran the truth of what was happening, because he really should know. But glancing at Carson, and at the now lowered gun in Starflare's hand just out of sight of the screen's view, she knew she couldn't put the gallivanter in danger. She knew that the fact that Myran was the one on the other side of that screen was an advantage that she should be thanking the stars for, but she would have to be careful. If Starflare knew Myran was her brother, it could mean dire consequences for the captain of the guard.

She wondered at the fact that Myran was in charge of the influx of people claiming that they had found her, considering that last she had heard of him, he had disgraced himself and insulted their father in front of the entire court. She wondered if Hugo and Ryn were behind this.

This also gave her another advantage. Starflare didn't know that Myran knew the truth. Though pained and perhaps a bit bitter about it, Myran was on her side here. So really, it might not matter what she said, so long as he knew her plan from the beginning. But she would have to make sure that he knew that she wasn't, in fact, on the way, if she could get out of the clutches of these pirates.

So she took a deep breath before smiling and saying, "Hi Myran."

He still seemed confused. "...Hi. Where are you?"

"In a ship," she said. "Just inside the Dex solar system."

His eyes widened further, a truly remarkable feat. "What? How'd you get that far?"

"I've been traveling with a gallivanter, Myran," she deadpanned. "They get around."

"Right." He shifted, his eyes moving to Starflare. "Who's...?"

"Oh, this is the pirate, Starflare, who was clever enough to find me." Ionia waved in the vague direction of the blue-haired man. "Carson's here too." She pointed behind her, where Carson startled, then waved a bit awkwardly.

"Who are you?" Myran asked, a protective edge in his voice.

"The gallivanter I've been traveling with." She turned to Carson. "This is Myran, the captain of the guard."

"Can we move this along?" Starflare said, a bit of a growl hinting at his tone.

The barest of smiles crossed her brother's face. "Quite. But I don't really know why you contacted me in the first place. I've gotten numerous calls for weeks, and I tell them all the same thing; until you show up on my doorstep with the princess, you're not getting your payment."

"I wasn't suggesting..." Starflare huffed. "Fine then. Just be expecting us."

"Copy that. About how long might it take you to get here?"

"Three months, right?" Ionia asked.

Starflare glanced at her. "Why do you say that?"

"Took us that long to get here."

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