Klance experiment

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ima try and write a klance one-shot, tell me how it is, and if i should write more. :3


Keith did not like the water. 

and it did not help that his boyfriend, Lance, insisted to spend their only day of relaxation, at a lake. on the beach. He was not looking forward to it. There was the knock on the door of his room-most likely Lance complaining of him taking too long. He was only taking longer because he was trying not to puke up his breakfast. He terrified of water. And he was never really sure why. "Mullet hurry up!" Lance yelled, 

"C-coming" he felt a bit sea-sick, even though he wasn't anywhere near water-yet. He grabbed his signature red jacket. Keith opened the door to find Lance-he was ready for swimming-he wore a pair of swim trunks. Keith wondered wear he had gotten them, but pushed aside the thought. 

"Keith, you alright? you offal-well more so than usual." Lance laughed, 

"fine" Keith snapped.

"alright, calm down...are you ready?"

"ready as I'll ever be.'' Keith mumbled. 


"I-i'm cold" Keith complained, hugging his arms,
"Do you want me to hug you?" Lance asked, puffing out his lip.
''I won't stop you...." Keith muttered very quietly.
''You'll be warmer when you get in the water."

Keith crosses his arms, ''Lance,..." Keith's voice trialed off,
Lance came up behind Keith, and slipped his hands in Keith's.

Keith could feel Lance's warm breath on his neck. Keith shivered. He could tell Lance's lips would shift to a smirk.
''Come on" Lance whispered. Keith's legs crippled, and followed the blue paladin towards the water. Lance's  hands never let go of Keith's. Walking slowly in. Keith eying the water, as it rose, more and more until it was up to his neck. He started to breath heavily, Lance kept walking. Lance's head was still above the water. Keith clung to Lance, holding on for dear life. ''Mullet you can't swim can you?" Lance laughed. Keith said nothing, he just held on, one hand on Lance's shoulder, the other on his arm, his nails digging into Lance's skin unintentionally. While Lance rested one hand on Keith's bare back.

''Don't let go'' Keith said trying to breath, sounding like a child
Lance smiled, closed his eyes, tilting his head, ''never" he had whispered in Keith's ear.


I know I know short crappy I get it....but u was going off a fan art! And it wasn't the best topic!

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