Skylire in command ch.2

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"What do you mean?!" said skylire."your a princess ma'am"said jake"No" explained Skylire."Lady skylire we must be going" said Jake."Were are we going?" asked skylire."were  hiding" said jake."What do you mean" wondered skylire."other vampires are after you to suck your blood and or kill you and if you suck the blood of a princess or prince vampire you gain more power then all other vampires and if you kill a princess or a prince you gain power to marry a royal princess or prince". said jake in a tone of voice."what do mean by marry a dead royal"said skylire in a scared voice."If someone marrys a dead royal they get the love of there life"said jake."but, if I love someone will it still happen"said skylire."no ma'am"said jake."ohh ok" said skylire."ok we are here"added jake."I'm scared why are they after me"wondered  skylire."I will not say it again ma'am"argued jake " I command you say the truth" yelled skylire."about what?"asked jake."if you love me or not"cried skylire. "I love nobody because if I do love you it would never work but, I do love you" said jake."But I'm Lily" said skylire."you can't be she's dead long gone no way this can't be happening please tell me this is not happening it's not true she would never leave me alone  to be a teenager, she hated that part of life" complained jake happily. 

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