Mullette [I didn't even know his name.]

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(Modern AU.. Kinda sad, actually)

It was a late Saturday night and I stepped into the bar. Honestly, I don't even drink anymore.. I just come here for a bartender.. The adorable bartender who never fails to make me smile.. the bartender who I never got the name of. He had perfect tan skin, an amazingly cut beard, and curly hair that was always put up into a cute ponytail. He had a thick French accent that made me melt.. He was everything I wanted in a man.

I looked around and I saw him.. he was so incredible. I tried not to stare, though. People in this part if the neighborhood weren't really kind to gays.. gay.. what if he wasn't even gay? He probably wasn't gay. He'd laugh if I confessed.. and I didnt even know his name!

I sat at my usual seat, and he came up, cleaning a glass, "Ah, Monsuier! What can I get for you ce soir?" (Ce Soir: Tonight. According to Google Translate)

"J-Just the usual, thanks.." I felt my face heat up. God, he was hot. He nodded and began to fix my drink.

"So, Monsuier, what is your name? You have come here so many times yet I still do not know! It feels kind of silly, actually.." His face started to turn pink, it was really cute, honestly..

"My name is He-" I got cut off by his phone ringing. He put my drink on the counter and answered it, looking at me apologetically. He started speaking rapidly in French, seeming kind of upset. Soon after, a look of shock was on his face. He hung up.

"I am so sorry, Monsuier.. but I must be leaving now. I apologize.. mon amour." His face turned even more red at that last part.. I wonder what it meant?

Then he did something unexpected.. He quickly kissed me and left. The kiss was short and sweet. Really sweet. It seemed to last forever.. yet forever wasn't enough for this. He soon left, looking ashamed.

Small Timeskip
I guess news spreads very quickly in this town.. when I was walking home people spat at me. Some had looks of sympathy.. probably because they felt bad a gay man kissed a straight man, even though that wasnt the case. The man of my dreams kissed me. Nothing else to it.

I could barely get to bed that night.. I kept thinking about what happened.. I still felt the ghost of his lips on mine. It sent chills up my spine. I imagined more happening. My face got hot.. and so did.. somewhere else. I bit my lip and began to unbuckle my pants..

Five Year Timeskip
I went to the bar every other night, hoping to see him again. I guess you could say he was the one that got away?.. I tried to move on with my life. I really did. I just.. couldn't. Those beautiful brown eyes trapped me in that barstool in my memory forever.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I just couldn't.

Every day without him was excruciating.

I had to end it.

It's a shame, really...


I didn't even know his name.

(This was sad, wasn't it?... I'm sorry for the feels I caused any of you.)

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