Song of Speed

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Slow should a life be taken

As the lull of the boat

Or the peace of the legs

As the life's story should be wrote.

Fast is like that of a bullet,

Ready to pierce the skull,

And forever sleep shall the body

Become led to a lull.

Slow is the liquid

As it dribbles down the throat,

And the life once worth living

Goes sailing away like a boat.

Fast is the descent,

Yet slow is the mind

As nature should welcome

An act performed as kind.

Slow is the water,

Washing against the shore,

As breath becomes final

And the end come of life's lore.

Fast is the necklace,

Fastened and unkempt,

Attached to the roof of the world,

The chair left to be exempt.

Slow is the blood

While it pours down the arm,

As the spectators watch in shame

And keep away from alarm.

Fast is the cars

Whizzing on by and by,

As one foot finds the other

In front of the unfortunate Semi.

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