7. Hospital

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7. Hospital

"you shouldn't of brought them here!" I hissed lowly enough for them not to hear. My fist swung and landed on the left side of Blake's face, soon followed by my other fist punching in his stomach

he made an 'oof!' sound as he staggered back "I didn't exactly tell them to come!" he whispered and aimed for my face.

I ducked and threw on at his left shoulder "yeah, but I bet you didn't tell them no either!"

he groaned as I kicked him in his stomach and he fell back to the floor, landing on his back. I quickly jumped on him and brought back my fist and slammed it intt his left eye, I needed this- i don't know if Blake knew this but either way he was doing a good job at being a punch bag "MYRA!" he yelled in agony and I froze

his boys must of heard to because they were throwing some funny looks at me "so much for secrets..." I wispered with a soft chuckle "It's a good to know who I can trust..." I noticed Benny and Bobby hurrying towards me and I gladly let them pull me up and shove me off him.

"he knows-?" Benny asked

"-is that why your training him-?" Bobby added

"-this isn't right-"

"-you should tell someone-"

I huffed and held up a hand, they both stopped talking at my gesture "It's none of your business." I told them flatly "i'm -was training him- don't know what's happening at the moment..." I trailed off, confused myself.

I pushed past Benny and Bobby, my shoulder hitting them on my way and walked over to Blake, who had half pushed himself up. Offering a hand, he gladly took it and I pulled him to his feet "sorry 'bout that," I chuckled loud enough for his mates to hear "got a bit carried there" with a shake of my head "anyway, same time tomorrow?"

Blake smirked at me, his eye was slowly starting to bruise "yeah," he looked quickly at his mates before continuing "don't worry, next time I'll come solo" he voice then dropped to a whisper "I actually wasn't planning on seeing you tonight" he rubbed the back of his neck "I am thankful for this, even if you did use me as a human punch bag...And beat up Nathan with one punch-" he broke out into a chuckle, before his face became serious "tell anyone your doing this for me!" he warned

I looked at him like it was the most ridiculous thing ever, why would I? "you know, I don't have to tell them," he looked back at me, not believing my words. Clever boy "I could just take the mask of right now," I dared him to argue with me, dared him to respond, dared him to object "Just think, It's not a big deal that I'm Ginger, but you? Having to be trained by me? A girl? A Yani girl at that- me, Myra. Ha. People will think your weak, think your pathetic" My eyes narrowed "Your choice, Blake"

Without another word he spun on his heals and walked over to his mates, he looked so cute when he's angry...

I was just about to leave, I left Just after Blake and I was now in my dressing room, but my phone went off. With a sigh, I answered it "hello?"

"Is this Myra Clay?" a old voice rang into the phone

"er, yes. Who's calling?" I asked, not really having time for the call

"hello, It's the police, your father has been found earlier today, he's in the hospital if you could come"

"w-what?" I screeched, dropping my bags"

"would you mind coming down to the hospital"

My eye watered but I forced myself to speak "O-Okay... I'll be there in a few"

"Okay, bye"

"bye..." I numbly ended the call and picked up my bags, rushing out the door and yelled at the person at the desk to check me out

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