Chapter 1

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(Age 16)

Today was the start day of my third year here. Meaning it had been over 7 years since my brother and my sister lost their lives to a drunk driver. It had been over 3 years since I had left the place that killed me. The place I would never return to.

But yet here I am. Cause let me rephrase that first sentence. It should have been the start of my third year here. Instead, I'm in the front seat of my mom's car, speeding back to hell. I was running right back into the hands of the place that broke me.

Just know I wasn't doing it voluntarily.

My mom's job was transferring to that stupid pain in the ass town. And with everything we've been through, I'm not going to fight her about it...much.

Anyway...I was headed back to a place that I never wanted to see again. Ever. Bad memories seemed to seep out of the ground there. I didn't want to be reminded of my past anymore then I already was. But...oh well. It's not like much about me will change. Other than the fact that I'm going in differently then I came out.

When I left...I was your normal, more on the shy side, girl. I wore average clothes, usually in dulled colours, and always had my hair in a ponytail.I was usually happy. I was the "good guy."

Things change.

I only wear dark colours now. I'm still introverted, but even more so. I'm closed off and cold. My hair is always in my down and in my face. I'm loud and rambunctious. My smiles are always forced, my laughs more fake then my social life. But most importantly, I was the "bad guy" now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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