Chapter 3

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2 Months later

I'm here, at Taehyung's company, running to the exit, crying like a crazy women, with a broken heart, I need a shoulder to lean on now..

what happen?


"Taetae!" I said and open his office door since I'm delivering his lunch

My eyes widen, my jaw dropped, my lunchbox is now a mess on the floor

Crystal and Taehyung are kissing each other with crystal on his lap, Taehyungs hands are on her waist pushing her nearer to him and Crystals hands are on his neck

I stood there for about a minute or so, and that's when they noticed me

Crystal smirked, Taehyung's eyes widen and pushed Crystal on the floor

"I-it's n-not what-" I chop Taehyung off

"It's not what I think? I only trust myself Taehyung, you told me that you won't leave me, and I trusted you.. how dumb was I" I said with tears flowing out and I ran out

___Flashback ends

I seriously can't forget that scene, oh wait, how can a girl forget how her boyfriend kissed other girl infront of her?

I went to call Chanyeol oppa, but he seems very busy and didn't answer the call, so I went to the nearby park, filled with childrens laughter

I look at a girl, and her mum and dad, they are such a wonderful family

How I wish my life was like that

"It's drizzling kids, we are going home!"one of the mom said and they went home slowly one by one.. and soon it's empty

I sat on the bench, alone, with dark clouds and some droplets of rain dripped on me

And soon, it's raining heavily, I'm still on the same bench, same position

It's like the rain is draining my energy, when I keep thinking of the scene...

What will happened if I didn't went? Will he stop by himself? Or things got worse? They would most probably have a child a year after, be a happy family, and me getting kicked out of the house by Taehyung?

That's the worse case

What if now, they know I saw them, will they still continue? Will Taehyung break up with me? I don't know anything..

"You will get sick like that" A man said and hold a umbrella over our head

I look up and saw Taehyung

"I don't want to see you" I said coldly

"What did I do to you? I just met you now" He said squatting down

"oh.. baekhyun.." I said softly

"What did taehyung did?" He asked and I explained


"WHAT?!" He said angrily


We went to drink, and I'm half drunk"

"AHHHHH BASTARD" I shouted in the street

"SHHHHH" Baekhyun hushed me, he is very awake

"WHO CARES" I shouted and he drag me somewhere


---we reached--

''now, go home" He said

".. I don't want to go in" I said

"You have to" He said and kissed my forehead

I shocked but smiled and noticed the door was open

"Thank you ah Baekkiee" I said and kiss his cheek on purpose

"What are the both of you doing?" Taehyung said

"Bye!" Baekhyun said and left

I waved to him and went in ignoring Taehyung

"Yah, Jeong EunJi" He said and grab my wrist

"what" I said coldly

"What is that kiss?" He asked

"What about yours?" I asked back

"Answer me first" He said

"It's a goodbye kiss, what about yours? passionate? aww so sweet last long" I said being sarcastic

"N-no" He suttered

"Then?" I asked look deeply in him

"Fine.. I'm sorry okay.. I wasn't myself, she came to seduce me first" He said

"But you kissed back" I said

"I'm a man" He said

"So you mean all man will kiss back when a women kiss him even though he is married or just taken" I asked

"If that's the case, I am going to try it on Baekhyun tomorrow" I said

"NO!" He shouted

"Why can't I kiss other guy while you have already kissed another girl? " I said

"Because you're only mine" He said, this line is supposed to be sweet but in this case, I don't feel anything

"So you mean you wasn't mine all alone because you kissed her?" I asked

"Are you serious? I'm always yours, even now" He said and kissed me but I pushed him away

"Don't use that lip to kiss me when you have kissed that bitch" I said and wipe my lips

I think he had been offended because of that action and said "Bitch? You called her a bitch?" He said

"Yea, any problem? She kissed my boyfriend, if I don't call her a bitch, what should I call her? A kind soul?' I asked

"What about you? Letting him kissing your forehead and giving him a peck INFRONT of your boyfriend?" He said

"I can't believe you're helping her.." I said

"WE ARE OFFICALLY DONE KIM TAEHYUNG" I shouted and went in to our room and pack my stuff

"fine" He said and sat on the couch

I packed my stuff and drag my luggage out, waiting for him to stop me, but he didn't.. He was sitting on the couch stare blankly on the off televison

I guess we are over Mr Kim? You will be happier with Crystal right.. This is a better choice for the both of us

I closed the door and walk out of the house, to the park

We are over.. Offically.. I can't believe.. He helped her..Instead of me.. He didn't even stopped me when I was moving out

"Eunji? Why are you here? Didn't I sent you home" Baekhyun said

"I-I, H-He.. aizz" I said

"What happened? Why are you with your luggage? Did you moved out"He asked

"yea.. Kind of..."I said

"why?" He asked

"Something happened.." I said

"Did he brought her home"He asked

"Ah? No No, I fought with him" I asked

He nodded and drag me and helped me with my luggage

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