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The ride to Joonyoungs house was quite an experience. I didn't know Roy Kim was such a dork. And he sings with his eyes looking down. Hahaha!

We finally stopped at a veeeerrry tall building. Guess its where his house is. Quickly, Roy kim and Joonyoungs driver pulled out my luggages. While the mighty Joongyoung watched them with a bored expresssion pasted on his face. Pssh. Annoying.

"yah! Help Shin-ae with her luggages joonyoung ah." Roy kim shoved one on my luggages in front of Joonyoungs face. He didnt even seemed fazed. He took the luggage from Roy Kim's hands and dragged it inside the building. We followed shortly.

His penthouse was at the 16th floor. And it was soo huge. He occupied like half of the floor.

We entered a door i assumed was his penthouse. And was greeted with a mess!

What. The. Fu--

Roy kim turned and offered me a small smile. The one you do when you're embarassed. Jeez. Its nit even his house.

"You stay here." Joon youngs voice echoed. And i saw him in a hallway close to the kitchen. I followed him and saw a decent looking room. At least, its clean and it has a bed.  I saw my luggages beside it.

'Oh well, i guess i should start cleaning now.' was all i thought. My stuff can wait. But the mess outside can't. It looked like a hurricane came.

Roy left after typing his number on my phone.

I sighed after he waved goodbye and i closed the door.
Now, i have to battle this mess and i should win. I didn't even get to talk to Joonyoung for his schedule. Because he went inside his room which was in front of mine.

Scrubbing the floor which was really dusty and garbage were everywhere. Chips, beer cans. Where scattered around the small table in the living room. Gosh so messy. This will take all day.

After cleaning up the whole penthouse clean. I decided to knock Joonyoungs room. Maybe he's hungry.

I can hear music blasting. And a very deep voice singing to the music. I stopped in my tracks. It was definitely Joonyoungs voice. What the... He's such an amazing singer! His voice got me eargasms. Like wtf. His deep voice seemed soothing. But the lyrics... It hurt. Its like needing comforting or something.

I quietly turned the doorknob to peek. There I saw Joonyoung, singing with all his heart. Eyes closed while strumming his guitar. I guess he's got some heart problem. The song said it all. It hurts. Almost making me cry. But, i held it together.

"Uh, Joonyoung? Do you want something to eat?" i quietly asked him.

He stopped singing as i spoke. Turning his head towards me. He didn't look happy at all.

"Don't you know how to knock?!" he angrily asked. Making me wince.

Sht. He is mad.

"Sorry, i did knock. But you didn't seem to hear me. So I thought maybe I should check you out. See if theres anything you need." my head down. Not even bothering to look at him straight.

"Just ramyeon. And a can of beer." was all he said. Then back to his strumming again. He was composing! Myghad. And I disturbed him.

I immediately went to his kitchen to see if theres some ramyeon. But dang! His kitchen is just an accessory. Its friggin empty!

I guess I have to go down and buy some groceries. Since his original manager gave me some money for it. Might as well go shopping now. But Joonyoung js hungry. What to do??

Aha! I hurried to my luggage and found my stock of chocopie. Those heavenly delights always make me feel good. Grabbing a pack, i marched towards Joonyoungs room. Knocked a bit loudly for him to hear and opened the door. He was busy scribbling down on a music sheet.

"Joonyoung ah, i will go buy some groceries first. Your kitchen's completely empty and just practically for accessory. So i will go shop for food. Is there anything you need?" i asked him.

"No. Be quick. Im hungry." was all he said. without even lifting is head. Psh.

I placed the pack of chocopie on his desk with a coffee. Since it was all he had.

"Here, I'm willing to share my precious chocopie with you. Since you dont have anything on your kitchen yet." i said then ran out of his room. Not waiting for him to answer me. 

I hurriedly went to a mart near Joonyoungs house, good thing it was just a few blocks away. I wont be needing to ride.

I didn't realize I was humming the song Joonyoung was playing a while ago. Not until I heard my phone beeping.

I fished out my phone from my pocket and saw that it was Roy Kim. He asked if I needed any help with Joonyoung but i was still fine tho. For now. He is just so sweet. Unlike his grumpy friend. Psh. I replied no with a smiley. Then put back my phone on my pocket.

After walking for a few morr minutes, i arrived at thr mart. Grabbing a cart and pushing it to the meat section. I bought a weeks supply of meat. Hahaha. Pork, beef and chicken. I also bought fish. Then i went to the condiments section. I practically bought everything needed for a weeks worth of supply. Or maybe more? Meh, but who cares. All I care is that WE have food to cook just incase his majesty goes ape crazy being hungry. Pluuusss. I bought my precious chocopies and a few of my favorite sweets.

That's when I realized it. I bought so many stuff! And I need help. Like really bad. My arms would definitely fall off if I carry all these 5 shopping bags. Sht. Good thing the bags were put on a cart.

Pushing the cart out of the mart, I stopped just a few steps from the entrance. Debating whether I should give Joonyoung a call or not. He was grumpy when I went out. Sooooo, ottoke?

My internal debate was interrupted by my ringtone. I wonder who called. The number wasn't registered.


"Yah! Where are you?! You've been out for 2hours!" Joonyoungs voice was scary but sexy at the same time. Fvck. I need to get my self together.

"Err, Im still at the mart. And I need your help Joonyoung." My voice was small. I know he's mad. No need for me to provoke him.

"What? Why? What happened to you?" His voice suddenly changed. Like he calmed down a bit.

"The grocery shopping happened. I need help carrying all these." I said.

"Aish. Fine. Tell me where you are. I'll come over. Stay where you are. Don't even move." His voice became dangerous. Fvck.

Im in trouble.

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