3. Arms Length

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Chapter 3 - Arms Length

Emilia's Pov


I let out a gasp, but before it could leave my body, Harry's hand covered my mouth and my back was pulled to his front.

"This will only work if you're quiet. Their names are Quinn and Oli. They're new to the army and are still training. There's a huge chance they're not here by choice, and have seen things they're not comfortable with so they've been put on foot-patrol. They won't go searching if there's not an obvious lead. They're still unsure of what to do, so they won't take the chance of the unknown. We'll just have to wait it out."

I nodded my head, my mouth still underneath his large hand. I couldn't imagine the last time he washed them so I pulled it away quickly. I turned toward him, studying his face that watched the soldiers wander around looking for us.

"How long will this take?" I visibly shivered. The adrenaline now leaving my body and be consumed by the chilly breeze that whipped around me.

"No clue, but they don't look as interested anymore." He replied, not once taking his eyes off the men.

I didn't reply. I simply sat on the ground, pulling my knees to my chest, and leaning against a brick building. My long hair fanned around shoulders providing me with some relief to the brutal wind. My eyes became heavy, but I refused to close them and let my guard down around Harry. If I did, he'd probably leave me here.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked turning towards me.

With a nod of my head in arms, I replied. "It's cold, and past three in the morning. I can barely keep my eyes open."

"Oh, well they're not gone yet, but I think I can get around them. C'mon." He held his hand out for me. I gently clasped his hand and let him pull me up. His right arm found it's way to the mid-drift around my waist. Too low for my liking but I was entirely too tired to move it.

My head rested lightly on his upper arm. My weight was held mostly on him, but I didn't feel bad. He caused this anyway. My eyes remained slightly closed and what little focus I had was on the dirt road. I felt him pull us away from opening where the men were searching and further down the path. Here I thought it was dead end.

"W-Why is it so cold? Isnt it supposed to be warmer?" My teeth chattered.

"Whitham's weather usually come in extreme differences. If the sun is out in the summer, it's bearable hot, and snow-like freezing at night. If it's the the winter season it won't get above freezing. You're further north than London is, it'll take a while to get used to but most of the time it's bearable."

"Bearable? I can't feel my fingers, nose, and toes." I coughed slightly, trying to relieve the tickle in my throat caused by the freezing intake of breath.

"I'd offer you a jacket but I'm just about as covered as you." He gestured down to our matching t shirts. Although mine was a bit more baggy. And I put shorts thinking it was would be a warm night.

"I-It's fine, I just want to g-go home."

"We'll be there in a few minutes."

"No, home. Home as in the house I g-grew up in. I don't w-want to be here." My silent tears fell down my face. But they felt like ice.

I quickly wiped them away. I didn't want Harry to see me at another weak point. He's already seen enough and I don't want to give him more of a hold over me.

"I know, please don't start. Nothing is going change. I have no control over this."

"I know you don't, but it doesn't make up for what you do."

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