"Hey cute glasses"

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Tessa's POV:

One year today I moved from LA to Texas that one year has gone so fast I still remember moving changing my identity I even remember why we moved that I wish I didn't. Now it's Monday morning I have one friend and can't be arsed to get out of bed I know my sister will ring screaming at me again like she does every morning. I was watching the clock and right on time this happened.



"Tessa get your arse up now!"

"why" I cried

"oh I don't know maybe because we have school"

"yay me favourite time of the day"

"don't use your sarcasm on me I get enough of that from your brother"

"he's your brother as well"

"urgh don't remind me just get your arse up now"

I hung up the phone and crawled out of bed. yay another day of school whats a better day than Monday. a year ago I moved to LA because at my last school I was really popular and I was going out with the bad boy but I had to move because I got involved in something i cant even describe so my mom made us move to try and start over. i re-invented myself and i am now known as the school nerd. my sister finished high school last year and my brother is in middle school. me on the other hand only have this year and next until i can leave. if you couldn't tell already i cant wait to leave and put high school behind me.

just as i was about to walk out the door my mom shouted as she does every morning "make good choices" i know she means well but every time she says that i get a flash back of what happened a year ago. she only partily knows what happened and i know she is trying to forget it but its hard when you had to move across the country.

i love where we live now because it is completely different to texas. that's where we used to live by the way. i really miss texas but its completely different from here. i dream about going back there but texas isn't the biggest place and there are a lot of people i don't want to see again.


"don't you just love that sound"

"what sound?" i was so lost in my thought i had no clue what my best friend was on about

"the sound of the school day it means its time where the world actually makes sense where i haven't got to listen to pointless conversations"

"Liv are you saying are conversations are pointless"

"no of course i'm not i love our conversations"

"of course you do" i laughed rolling my eyes walking in to homeroom

yes i am known as the school nerd but do you really think im a nerd a year ago i hardly ever attended my lessons and now hear i am known as the school nerd. i sat on the far side of the room near the back but not at the back because i don't want to get involved with the back of the room gang again i cant go back there. not again.

i never listen to the teacher especially in homeroom i normally doodle in my book. but when i heard the door open and the teacher say "new student" i was more aware. a new student normally means i have to show them round the school because my mum decided to sign me up to a load of crap to make sure i attended school and to try and change my attitude. i decided to carry on doodling. as the "new student" walked past me they said in a very familiar voice "Hey nice glasses". my head shot up and turned around as they sat behind me. for the first time in a long time i was speechless. i couldn't speak, i couldn't move, it couldn't be why is he here...

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