Fourth Dare!

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Me: Hey guys and welcome to another dare! So, recently i have gotten into BTS' Dope. And i was thinking: What if  the guys sang it?  So that's why I'm here!



*all the boys run in* 

Me:Thank you, now i want you to sing this song! Also, BERTHOLD! MARCO GET YOUR BUTTS IN HERE!

*Berthold and Marco come in*

Marco: Hey guys!

Berthold: Heya

Me: Alright everyone! These are the lyrics you'll be singing! *hands a copy of the lyrics to all of the boys with nicknames next to the things they have to sing*

levi: Seriously, you nicknamed me Mr Clean?

me: Yep! Now, SING GUYS!

*Everyone else comes into the room during the chorus*

Time derp to the end of the song


All the boys: IT WAS A DARE?????

Me: YEP! With some help from Hanji to get the song we did it! *high-fives Hanji*

*I gets picked up by Levi whilst Hanji gets picked up by Erwin*

Me: Oh no.... Why did my curiousity take over!!!!!

Levi: *smirks slightly, sits kayleigh on my shoulders giving her a piggy back ride*

Erwin: *does the same to Hanji*

Me: Hmph *leans elbow on Levi's head* you're lucky I'm short...

Levi: I know *smirks*

Everyone else: *leaves the room leaving kayleigh and Levi alone*

Me: *looks, looks at levi* outro?

Levi: *nods*

Me: Well guys this was the dare I made up and I hope you enjoyed it!

Levi: make sure to comment down some truths, dares and even story plots!

Me and levi: BYE GUYS!!

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