Chapter 8

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I suck -.- i done chapter 8 and then all of a sudden BOOM disappeared and then i couldnt do it again :(


But i present to you chapter 8

Hope you like it xx

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Lets throw all the one direction fan fics of the top and replace it with this ;) Hahaa i have some challenge damn. DO NOT HATE ME. I looooove these one direction fan fics theyre just amazingg!! I love them <3

Comment too x

Love you all<3 

Stay safe and enjoy xox







Bushra -

I opened my eyes to still be surrounded by darkness. I sighed knowing that if i even ever got out of this place my eyes would be done for.

I winced as I moved off the floor, i must've been oout for a day. My eyebrow felt swollen and i knew it was infected. I slowly and painfully got off the floor when I heard a beep behind me.

I jumped at the sound, my heart pounding against my chest ready to jump out. Thought were flushing into my head.

Was this a bomb? How many minutes, seconds, hours? What can I do?

As a mixture of different emotions and feelings swam inside me, the thing beep again and i strained my eyes to see the bright light.

'100th new message'

I started to cry in relief. It was my phone. I mentally face palmed myself. How stupid can I be?

I shuffled to reach my phone when the door opened and in came bodies walking towards me.





Sheikh -

*sends 100th message*

If only she replied, even with one letter, I'd be happy.






"Is this her' an unknown male's voice asked.

Charlotte looked over at me sneering. God doesnt she get tired of that.

"Yeah its her, the slut"

I once again winced at her choice of word.

The man walked towards me and crouched down so that we were directly in eye contact. The light from the hallway reflected off his face.

He had such beautiful light brown eyes.

"Asalaamu 'alaikum" he said with suh soothe in his voice.

My mouth dropped open in surprise. 

He took his hand under my chin and closed my mouth.

"My name is Karim Metwaly"

As I stared at his face, another unknown voice, woman, interrupted.

"Erm habibi Karim,dont you think youre too close to that animal"

Karim sighed and stood up and took a step back to her. 

The lady now walked up to me in high heels and again crouched down to me so we were eye contact.

Her eyes were dark and cold and somewhat evil.

"You slut, dont you ever going any where near my husband or you'll get it bitch" she sneered poking her nails into me.

"Just call me Naimah, Queen Naimah to you" she smirked stepping back to Charlotte. Kaia was no where to be seen. Her name seemed familiar but i just shook it away.

As I took the words in, i looked up to Naimahs face and finally realised something. She looked fairly familiar.

As I tried to recall my memories i remembered something. My eyes opened in shock.

She was my Sister. My long lost sister.





Adam -

"Any reply" I asked Sheikh as we walked down the alleyway.

He shook his head sadly.

My heart broke for him.

As I looked down at my phone, a name flashed 'Ruqiyah'. I swiped to answer.

"He-ello Adam" her voice was crackly and raspy

"Hey Ruqiyah, hows life?" I slapped myself knowing that was a dumb question.

"Oh.... im still hanging on" she replied tiredly. I wonder how much sleep she got.

"Inshaa Allah everything is going to be good"

"Did you find her?"

"No... but i promise you we will never give up looking for her"

"Pleasee find Bu-" Her voice broke.

"Dont worry we will"

"Thank you Adam, i dont know where i'd be without you and Sheikh" she answered quietly.

"Thats why they call me Captain Arab Aemerica" I smiled.

"Okay got to go... byee... thank you again"

"No problem habibti"

I closed the phone call and smiled to myself. Im going to do this for Bushra and Ruqiyah.





Ruqiyah -

"Okay got to go... byee... thank you again" I answered Adam.

"No problem habibti"

I closed the phone call and couldnt help smiling. I had fluttery feeling inside me. Adam called me habibti.

I closed my eyes and continued drinking my hot chocolate.

I think i've just found my crush.





Bushra -

The recognision hit me like a ball. Naimah caught my eye and smirked.

"You finally know who I am dont you?"

I looked at her with fear in my eyes.

"Youre going to pay for what you did to me and so are the people you call friends"

She took one look at me showing her disgust for me and walked away, her high heals clicking away on the floor getting fainter and fainter as she walked away from me.

My life is now officially over.

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