slenderman fanfiction

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dear reader,

please do not close out. this is not about slender man. this is about bulliying. I have several of these hidden through watt pad. I want you to hear me out. bulliying is wrong! if u have ever bullied someone then appolofise when you have the chance! I am bullied all the time. because of my voice, what I like, because I am slow, and because I am fat. and you who are bullied! listen up now! do NOT give up on life! I know it is scary that one little word or phrase can hurt someone so much that they want to kill themselves!!!!! if you bullied someone think about how they feel. what if you just made them want to commit suicide!!?? how would you feel then? would you still be laughing because they are slow or fat or ugly? that is in excepable!  no one should have to go through bullying. it is s horrible thing. and if you are bullied don't let that take over your life. if it is something like they call you t fat or to ugly or to dumb, tell them," hey, thanks ! I love being called fat or ugly or dumb!" hopefully they would realize they can't bother you.and f it is sarcastic like " hey, I loooovveee your new shoes!" just say, " thanks," and walk away. I hope this seeps into your minds. please do not negatively post comments not having the slender story that you want. thanks!!!!

<3, slendemanfangirl

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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