Chapter 2

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Stephanie's POV

I think all of us were relieved when we exited the elevator of the hotel and saw James on his phone in the lounge area, still fully dressed from dinner. He glanced up, noticing us, before looking back at his phone. "Riley's asleep. Be quiet." He told us, not paying much attention. I nodded, along with Michelle and Giselle, and headed to our room, the other girls staying in the lounge with the rest of A troupe. I opened the door quietly, noticing the room was dark. I walked in, turning a lamp on to have a little bit of light. Riley was fast asleep, like James had said, not even changed out of her dress from dinner yet. I don't know what James and Riley did when they came back from dinner, but it must not have been exciting. I don't even know why they left early actually. Everyone assumed it was so they could 'celebrate'. Maybe Riley's still sick, and that's why they left. That would suck. She's been sick pretty much the entire time we've been in Miami, almost a whole week. Whatever she had, or has, it doesn't seem to be going away very fast. I grabbed some pyjamas from my bag, quietly entering the washroom. After changing and washing my face, and everything else I do before bed, I walked back out to the beds. Putting my clothes in my bag, I heard Riley shift on the bed, before she spoke.
"Steph?" She whispered. I turned to look at her, as she stared at me through half open eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I told her.
"It's okay." She responded, rubbing her eyes. "Everyone back from dinner?" She questioned, rolling onto her side and watching me clean my things up slightly.
"Yep. You still sick?" I asked her, walking to sit beside her on the bed. Riley nodded, sitting up while I stroked her hair softly. "That's too bad. You've missed so much of Miami." I told her. She shrugged.
"I got to compete at Internationals, and I got to help win, so I think it was worth it." She responded. I smiled at her positive attitude, wishing I could be that optimistic.
"Hey, we have an early flight tomorrow, you get back to sleep, you need the rest." I said, standing and moving to turn off the light as she shifted, closing her eyes again.


Riley's POV

I opened my eyes as the alarm beside my bed went off. I reached over, turning it off, and smiled while rubbing my eyes. I feel good. This is the first time all week I've woken up and haven't felt morning sickness. However, just as fast as my smile appeared, it fell. Despite pregnancy symptoms being irritating and hard to deal with, it's nice to have them to reassure you. With the morning sickness, and the fatigue, and the headaches and backaches and every other symptom of pregnancy, you know you're still pregnant, and the baby's okay. Without them, I tend to worry. I guess it's just natural to be anxious after 2 loses though. I shook my head, telling myself everything was fine, and pulled the blankets off of me. I sat up, placing my feet on the floor, before standing up. Immediately, a wave of nausea hit me, and I found myself smiling, knowing my baby was okay. Now I have to get ready for our flight home, otherwise I will suffer Miss Kate's wrath, and I won't be okay.

Guys thank you so much for all the name suggestions. Keep leaving them in the comments! Also, I do need names for the Nochelle baby (and possibly Jiley babies😏) as well so please leave suggestions for it too! Love you guys so much, and thank you to everyone that followed me after I posted this book! Love you! I'm so sorry for taking so long to update! I hope it was worth the wait. Love all you guys!

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