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I remember excitedly walking down the sidewalk with my mom and little brother and looking for people, anyone familiar, to talk to, laugh at, or aquaint myself with. The day was cloudy; but I woke up that morning unable to contain my excitement. Of course, I'd seen my friends over summer, but seeing them here again.. Here.. It was such a holy feeling. And after two, almost three months. Three damn months! It seems like such little time now.. but then I'd spent each day waiting anxiously. And the day was here.

That was Open House for my 8th grade year. Tomorrow, I'll be going into my fourth to last day of school.

I remember at Open House being excited to recieve my schedule for what I thought would be my for the time being one and only class, Advanced Placement, AKA 8th Grade AP. I had been in that class for years, with the same people around me, so when I discovered I'd been moved to an all girls class, I was hella disappointed.

But the 8th Grade Girls was one of the best things to ever happen to me at that school. We grew on each other; we were comfortable sharing our personal lives, joking about certain things other people wouldn't get, and being there for each other (on Picture day, everyone in the class brought their cosmetics, and half of the classroom was doing each others makeup, and the other half was fixing their outfits & hair). We were close. That class had a special bond. There are still jokes we bring up every so often; but nothing will be as great as the moment they were created.

Only four months into the school year, just as I was admitting to myself I was OK with the class I was in and had made friends with pretty much everyone I wanted to be friends with, we found out all the classes were being mixed, meaning it was to no longer be split by gender (8th AP was already gender neutral), 8th girls, and 8th boys.

The official move was set to take place the first day back from Christmas break. I remember skyping with my friend Bri the day before to make sure we got classes with our friends as we contacted each one to notify them of the huge change and to double check what class they were in.

The next day was our first day back after two weeks and after about ten minutes of catching up before school me and my friends rushed to the classroom doors to check the new classes, which had been printed and plastered to the doors. There were ooo's and ahh's and gasps and screams and.. well, you get the point. There were some names I was familiar with and happy to see: Harley Clark, Kennedy Chester, Elise Ramstetter; and others I was curious about meeting or getting to know: Sirina Castillo, Nolan Venegas, Lincoln Bancroft...

..But we'll get into them later.

That entire day was quiet. There was a thick layer of frustration hanging over the class over not wanting to be where they were. But over the weeks we adjusted. We joked, we laughed, and although it will never be as close as the 8th grade girls class was, its become something I'm fond of. I'm friends with pretty much everyone in there (or, that is, the people I want to be friends with). But of course with friendships comes drama.

One of the major things was watching one of my closest friends get arrested during school for edibles. The months leading up to it happening, though, I know something was up. She started acting differently- saying stuff about her closest friends behind her back and denying doing so, invading people's privacy, laughing at others for things they couldn't fix. It got so bad to the point where the majority of her friends turned on her or were sharing experiences of her shit talking them. One of my friends even told me she said quote "I literally want to cut Lauren's head off".

Incase you didnt know, I'm Lauren (hi 👋).

But she's gone now. I've lost contact with her, as well as a lot of my other close friends, and we're better off. And I know there are friends of hers reading this now and thinking "wow, Lauren's being such a bitch", and hey, if you think that, 1.) I honestly dont care, I'm just speaking the truth and 2.) Fuck off. Nobody asked for your pissbaby attitude or for you to be here.


There were also relationships. I got in two. One with a blonde fuccboi who decided he only wanted his relationships to last less than 4 days, which I'm OK with, cause I'm not involved with him anymore. And another one, this one more recent, who actually wanted a relationship with me but was forced to break it off by his parents.

But despite that I still have a great time. We've had our good days; like April 6th. Aka Dress As Your Best Male Friend day. So I did so. My best male friend, having a reputation for being a jock and a fairly conceded person, shunned me the entire day. Or there was the Halloween party, where we held ferrets and danced along to cheap Japanese songs. The Winter Formal, where I slow danced with the blonde fuccboi mentioned above and drove all his friends mad. The day before Christmas break, where me and my friends tied ribbon around each others necks and head and wore tiny top hats and reindeer antlers while eating candy canes. The rainy day where me and the person I liked at the time hid under his backpack together to keep from getting wet. Or Thanksgiving break, where me and my friends were watching a hot Youtubers stream and discovered he might have a girlfriend, forcing each of us to look at every single one of her social medias. The memories are fucking endless. Thats just a very, very small portion. These people have grown on me so much. They mean a lot to me. They taught me that making people happy.. Well, thats what makes me happy.

I hate to say its over, though. I'm moving after these last four days of school are over. The school that I go to right now will be over an hour away (which isnt that far away, but is still a hassle to get to), meaning there will never be another class inside joke, or funny incident while walking to lunch, or a note pass, or a made up holiday..

But I'm here to tell those of you acquainted with me its okay. Dont cry. Wipe those tears from your pretty face. I won't be around at school, sure. But I'm still visiting. I'll be here for summer. On Mondays. On the weekends. Holidays, maybe. Birthdays. While I won't be in school, I won't be completely gone. I'm still here, and always will be. Always.

My eighth grade year- one that will go down in our school yearbooks- is definitely one to remember. I will never forget the people at MALC, know that. I won't let myself forget. Not Aaron, not Kennedy, Harley, Chance, Bri.. hell, not even Holly. Never. Dont forget me either.

Remember me. For the moments I'm not here, remember me.


🌹As Is {bɩɷ ɷʆ a bɷʏ ɷbىҽىىҽɖ ҽҳtɾɷѵҽɾt}🌹Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang