Chapter 7

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Despite being spooked from his younger sister I put on the act of being excited that I was with Kaoru, don't get me wrong I love him and all but I just wanted answers to my questions.. Why didn't you tell me about her?  Is there anymore that I should worry about?  If vampires exist do the other mythical creatures do as well? Staying lost in my thoughts I had no idea Kaoru was watching me with a look like he knew what I wanted to ask but he said nothing. "U-Uhm.. Why're you looking at me like that?" I ask raising my left eyebrow in attempts to seem intimidating though it failed horribly and ended with him pulling me into a hug in which I gladly hugged him back but now I knew I'd have to speak. "I'll explain this all to you after... let's just go to my place." His soft hearted voice slightly strict now which made me nearly choke but when I looked up at him he was already looking down at me with a smirk. I turned my head back down awkwardly and nodded knowing if I tried to speak I would probably just ramble and ruin all chances of seeing his house, so there we went hand-in-hand walking out of the school again. We took several turns and exists almost like he just wanted to confuse me so I wouldn't be able to remember but I memorized every turn and soon we were at his place, the beautiful japanese styled house that smelled of jasmine was almost hypnotising. As I entered the house I dropped my bookbag beside the door and slipped out of my shoes putting on the soft light pink slippers that were waiting for me. Kaoru put his black slippers on then dropped his bag next to mine "You want anything to drink? I know I do.." He said with his back facing me and I bursted into a giant blush, was he talking about my blood?  I gulp and with his super sonic hearing he can listen in on my flustered heart and he quickly turned around with a face almost as red as mine. "N-Not like that.. I mean you're blood is sweet and delicious and all it's just.." He rubbed the back of his neck then turned back around "Water it is." He said sounding rather embarrassed and I can't help but to giggle and nod at his words. I look to my left and see the white leather couch calling my name, it looks very expensive- Probably worth more than my apartment but I put that thought aside and walk over floping down on the couch and it feels like I'm sitting on a cloud. After a few minutes Kaoru returns with two glasses of water an hands on to me, I take the glass and hold it with both hands as he walked over and sits beside me leaning into the couch. "Thank you." I manage to mutter and he gives a delicate smile and nods as I quickly take a swig of the chilled water. Oddly enough it wasn't regular water, it was sparkling so it had a nice sweet taste asit ran down my throat. I glanced at Kaoru who appeared to already be watching me with a seductive look and a hint of red in his eyes. Oh great... Vampire Kaoru is back, I say in my mind then slowly extend my arm out with the water placing it on the coffee table but before the glass touched the table me pounced on me making me spill some of the water on the floor and down my arm as I fell back onto the couch. "K-Kaoru! The water.." I whimper and his soft tender lips press against mine quickly, I found myself kissing him back and as I did his tongue slipped into my mouth and it of course it would take me by surprise so in response I pulled back breaking our kiss. He chuckled lowly looking down at me before licking his lips "My my.. You taste wonderful, Kaori.." He said seductively and my name was spoken slow and in excitement. I looked up at his now glowing red eyes, his vangs varely visable but still in sight, the sight of them makes my neck throb and not in a good way. He leaned back in kissing me once more before pulling me ontop of him as I now straddled him with a familiar blush on my face that I knew all to well. "Mmm.." He grinned looking up at me with his hands resting firmly on my hips, I know I probably shouldn't do this with him- Especially in the state he's in but I just couldn't help myself.. I slowly began grinding my hips against his groin and I can hear his breathing getting heavy which to be honest made me feel quite alive. The thought of being able to turn him on with such a simple move made me feel like I was a hungry lioness and he was my dinner. I continued my movement at a normal pace though every now and again I'd change my direction making him let out a random moan at the sudden change, I couldn't help but to feel a sudden poke against my inner thigh and I instantly knew what it was. "Now you've done it." He said between hitched breaths and lifted me up sitting me on the couch. I myself was breathing rather heavy feeling the senses in my body each tingle with excitement as I watch him undress. His muscular chest now free of his uniform and his pants unbottoned leaving me to take care of it though before I could try he hurried over to my and held me close as he ran his cold hand up and down my thigh slowly. I was already ready for him but he just wanted to make me suffer, as he did by teasing an toying around with my body. "Kaoru~" I moaned into his ear and I could feel his grin against my neck, he nipped my ear gently not enough to actually harm me which was surprising seeing he was always violent in this state but the way his hands ran all over my body it was like he was treating me like a goddess. Never did he once over step his boundries and I loved every second of it. We continued toying with each other for quite some time before we actually took each other. Afterwards I woke up in his arms with a blanket wrapped around us, I looked down seeing my naked body and his then quickly looked back up at him seeing his eyes now back to their original colour "Did we..?" He rubbed his eyes with his spare hand and I nodded "Yeah.." I say nervously before rubbing his chest like a kitten and he smiled "Mmm... " He moaned like my touch was heaven or something, I smiled and rested my head on his chest soon falling back into a lovely sleep with my vampire boyfriend..

Chapter END

(Hey all! Sorry I haven't updated this story.. I've had major writers block and I was actually pretty bus as well. But I will be uploading weekly once again.)

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