Chapter 37-Running Again

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"Emmy. Get up. We need to start your tests."
"No, I don't want to."
"You need to."
"But Miss Paige, I did my testing yesterday."
Someone grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet.  Their hands were cold, and they didnt seem to care that their fingernails dug into my skin.
"I didnt ask you whether you wanted to or not, did I? We're running out of time. The maze trials have already begun, do you not want to save the lives of your friends?"
"But Miss Paige, I already did my testing, what else is there to do?"
"I'm tired of playing games, Emmy. If you don't come with me right now, I'll have no choice but to sedate you and make you come with me, do you understand?"
"No, no, I don't want to! I hate the tests! I'm sick of being shocked, and poked, and cut open just so you can put more machines in my head! Leave me alone!" I shouted, pushing the woman away from me. She dug her nails into my forearm making me yelp, and I felt a sharp prick in my neck.
"You don't have a choice, Emmy. You're immune, and out of everyone, your body fights off the flare the quickest. We need to know why, so you are coming with me, right now." The woman spat in my face. I tried to push her away again, but whatever she stuck into my neck sent a thick liquid through my veins. My arms felt heavy and the room started to spin before I collapsed to the floor.

I sat upright in bed, my heart racing. It was a dream, I think, but it felt so real. It felt like the woman had actually stuck something into my neck. I shook my head, clearing the visions from my mind the best I could, and stood up. Something about the image wasn't right, like I knew what would happen next. I racked my brain, trying to think of what that memory was, but I couldn't think of anything. I sighed and stretched, letting out a yawn while I did so. I was so tired for some reason, but whatever happened, it didnt seem to matter now. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and changed into my running clothes: Cargo shorts and a teal tank top with running shoes. I tied up my shoelaces and walked out of the homestead, towards the kitchen. Minho and Newt were already waiting inside, chatting with frypan while Minho clipped his backpack around his shoulders.
"Hey Em, ready to run again?" He said, already wearing his gear and looking ready to run right through the maze doors.
"Yeah, I'm good. I'll just grab some food from frypan and I'll be good to go." I said. Minho nodded and I walked over next to Newt, who was still talking to Frypan.
"Hey Fry, hey Newt." I said, tossing my backpack onto the counter in front of them. Both of them turned to look at me, and Frypan smiled.
"Morning Em. How'd ya sleep?" He said, putting a sandwich into my backpack. I shrugged.
"Okay I guess. How about you guys?" I helped Fry pack up my backpack and grabbed an apple. Frypan nodded.
"I slept okay, but I had a weird dream about some dude with black hair coming up in the box. I don't remember much about it though. It was just a dream after all." He said, turning to grab a water bottle from the cabinet behind him. When his back was turned Newt and I glanced at each other, both of us raising one eyebrow. I guess the serum thing worked....kinda. I cleared my throat as Frypan turned back around.
"So, how'd you sleep Newt?" I said, as casually as possible. He shrugged.
"Oh, uh. Fine. I slept fine." He said. Frypan nodded and zipped up my backpack, before tossing it back to me. I caught it and slung it over my shoulder.
"Thanks Fry." I said. He smiled, and began cooking breakfast for the boys.
"C'mon. Let's go, doors open in 10 minutes." Minho said, glancing down at his watch.
"Yep, lets go." Newt agreed, and the three of us headed out of the kitchen and towards the east wall. When we got there, all three of us stopped. Minho leaned against the cool stone wall, that was spotted with patches of ivy.
"So, it's been a while since I've seen you ready to run with me, huh? I almost forgot that I'm only the second fastest runner around here." Minho smirked. I smiled
"Yeah. About that...get ready to run fast. I've been waiting to do this for a while." I said, cracking my neck. Minho laughed while Newt looked down at me.
"Why haven't you told me you wanted to run lately? I know how you feel about being stuck in the glade." He said, reaching out and grabbing my hand. I nodded.
"Yeah, I don't like being stuck in the glade, but for the past few weeks, one of us has either been hurt, or I was worried about...Ty-I mean, um...someone." I stopped myself from saying Tyler's name in front of Minho. Shoot, I almost blew it. Minho didn't seem to notice anything, but Newt squeezed my hand and glanced in Minhos direction. Luckily, the other runner was too busy tying his shoes to notice the looks we were exchanging. The walls started moving slowly, and since Minho was leaning on it he started to fall over. He caught himself, but it made all three of us laugh. When the doors were all the way open though, we stopped laughing, and it was back to being serious. Newt pulled me into a hug.
"Alright, You be careful out there, yeah?" He said. I nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Yup, You got it. I'll see ya later, Newt." I gave him one last smile before Minho and I turned and ran into the maze.

"Em, You okay?" I hear Minho call back to me. We had been running for about an hour, and for some reason I couldn't run as good as I normally can. I couldn't run as fast as normal, and my breath kept hitching in my chest. Not to mention that I kept getting a cramp in my side. Whatever the reason, it wasn't fun. I guess Minho had noticed and he slowed to a jog, then stopped, leaning against the wall and catching his breath.

"What's wrong? You can normally run a lot longer than this without much trouble." He said, pulling his water bottle out of his bag and drinking some. I sat down next to him, tucking my knees up to my chest. I drank some water, trying to control the exhaustion settling over my body.

"I don't know. I just can't run today."I said, putting a hand on my chest and taking a deep breath.

"Hm. Are you sick or something? You look pale." He bent down in front of me and put a hand on my forehead.
"You don't have a fever though. Are you sure you want to keep going? We can head back to the glade if you want." He said. I shook my head and wiped the sweat off of my forehead.
"No, no. I'm good. Let's go. We don;t have much time to sit and rest anyways, do we?" I took another deep breath and tried to stand up, using the wall to push myself off of the ground.
"Em, you okay?" Minho said, as my legs started to shake and I fell back to the floor.
"Min, help me up, please." I said. He reached down and grabbed my arm, helping me off of the ground.
"Em, you should go back. Really." He said, still not letting go of my arms. I caught my balance and shook my head.
"No, no, I can run. I'm fine." I let go of Minho's arm and stood up, lifting my foot off the ground to test my balance. I felt fine now.
"Okay, I'm good, let's keep going."
"Em, I don't think you shou-"
"I'm fine. Let's go."
I didn't even listen to what he had to say, I turned and kept running through the maze. Whatever just happened would have to wait. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?

(A/N) okay, so who has seen the behind the scenes video for the death cure? I'm freaking out, I can't shucking wait! Plus, it features Thomas Brodie songster as Newt, and I fangirled a bit just hearing his voice. Check it out you guys!

Life In The Glade//TMR Newt FanficWhere stories live. Discover now