Clover Town

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy tail.

Normal POV

Jellal, Cobra and Zeref are heading to Clover Town to find Lucy. Yesterday they found out where she was and are now heading there. Gajeel, Gray, Sting and Rogue had to stay at their official guilds, while Mystogan had to return to Edolas for a while and Midnight was on a mission, so they were unable to go.

Jellal POV

Finally Lucy I'll get you back and I would never leave you, like a parasite and it's host. Hmm too extreme?
I suddenly feel a weight on my shoulder. It was Zeref. He was sleeping. Aww how one would ever think he's evil if they saw him now.
So kawaii- wait is he drooling? Ahh! It's about to touch my shirt!
"Ah hell to the no!" I exclaimed getting up but it was too late. His drool is already on my shirt. And it was my favorite shirt too.

Cobra POV

I woke up hearing Jellal's shout. Suddenly he became silent. Is he okay?
The sound of sobbing could then be heard. Jellal is crying?
What the hell? I took off the bracelet that prevents me from hearing people thoughts.

That's what he's crying about?

"Hahahahahahahaha" I burst out laughing catching his attention.

"You're crying because he drooled in your shirt? Hahahahahahahaha" "OMG"

"I-it was my favorite shirt!" He yelled all flustered.

"Hahahahahahahaha" I continued laughing.

Normal POV

The rest of the trip was silent. Cobra and Zeref were sleeping and Jellal was sulking.

Five minutes before we arrive at clover town. Passengers please be ready to leave. Announced the operator.

"Cobra" Jellal said as he shook him awake.


"Wake up we're almost there." He said.

"Fine" Cobra said yawning as he rubbed his eyes.

"Well time to wake up Zeref." Said Cobra about to shake him.

"Cobra don't!" Shouted Jellal as he slapped away Cobra's hand.


"Oh shit" whispered Jellal as he clamped his hand over his mouth as saw Zeref groan and stirred. Lucky for him Zeref did not wake.

"Oh! That's right, rule number 1 never wake Zeref" said Cobra stupidly.

"How can you forget that?!!! He almost kill us the last time." Scolded Jellal.

Okay everyone we've arrived at Clover Town. Please grab your​ bags and exit in an orderly​ manner. Thank you for traveling with us.
Announced the operator.

Everyone started to rush out of the train ignoring the operator's statement.

"Cobra grab our bags." Commanded Jellal.

"Why can't you fetch them?" Whined Cobra.

"Because I'm carrying Zeref you idiot or do you want to carry him?" Asked Jellal

"No thanks! I'll carry the bags." Answered Cobra quickly.

The trio then exited the train and walked around Clover Town asking for Lucy.

They had no luck until the walked into a boutique.

Jellal POV

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