AN-Descriptions So Far (open for requests)

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Ok so this is for the people who want to be in it that I have so far there is still time to ask to join but for now..(also the weapons are for future reasons)

Name: Taylor Jackson
Age: 20
Height: 5'11
Eye color: Brown/Blue
Weapon: a death scythe with a skull and a retractable knife attached on the bottom
Diagnosis: Clearly Insane
Therapist: Evan Fong (Vanoss)

Name: Shannon Cipher
Age: 21
Height: 5'9
Eye Color:one eye is Brown with gold mixed in while the other is Green mixed with Hazel
Weapon(s): throwing knifes & an axe
Diagnosis: Insane
Therapist: Brian Hanby (Terroriser)

Name: Cookie
Age: 13
Height: 5'4
Eye Color: Brown
Weapon: baseball bat
Diagnosis: insane
Therapist: Brock (Moo)

And finally Mine =3...
Name: Ruby Fong
Age: 22
Height: 5'2
Eye Color: one is Blue/Green the other is just Red
Weapon(s): a scythe & two large mallets
Diagnosis: Very Insane
Therapist: Craig Thompson (Mini)

And that's it for the people who wanted to be in it so far but I'm gonna give others who read this that I haven't asked to give you spots and to take other youtubers that's not taken on here so comment your description like these below if you want in and as always till the next update to a fic stay beautiful trash mammals~ =3

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