The Peculiar Garden

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There was a legend about the well in the a garden. It is said whoever steps inside the garden causes the well to come to life, and spew poisonous venom on its victim,melting them into ash. It is said that this monstrous well uses the poor souls' ashes to make bricks and add them to itself. Rumor has is that the well is the heart of this peculiar garden. 

Now meet Johnnie Enni. Johnnie Enni doesn't believe in rumors. He believes in facts and proving them. This has led to him earning the nickname"Daring Scientist" . Johnnie the "Daring Scientist" is known for doing dares to proves facts. So when he was dared to visit the peculiar garden, he said "Yes, to banish the myths and prove facts. Its just a garden with a well. There's nothing special about this garden. Little did he know that he was wrong. Dead wrong.

The day he arrived at the garden was sticky warm. With him he brought a small crowd, and a indigo video camera. In total there were nine kids. No one volunteered to go with Johnnie. "All right, time to prove there is nothing special about this garden. Call my people if i'm not out in thirty minutes just in case" he said.

There was a wall that was made up of ruddy brown bricks that surrounded the garden. The wall was around 8 feet tall. To get inside one would have to push the brick door. No one knew what the inside looked like. 

Johnnie quickly walked towards the door. After a while of straining the door finally gave a way. The crowd instinctively took a step back. " What's wrong guys? All i did was open the door" said Johnnie. The crowd just shake their heads and look back at Johnnie with uneasiness.  " All right here i go'' sighed Johnnie.

The heavy stone door gave a loud shudder as Johnnie pushed it open further.  As soon as Johinne ducked in the door swiftly closed. That was the last that anyone saw Johnnie for 10 years. 

Here's why...

As soon as Johnnie step in he smelled it. The garden smelled of raw earth, must, freshly made sugar and power. Yes power. The smells where the only thing Johnnie could focus on so he didn't notice the movement coming from the west side of the garden.

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