Chapter 1

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The cold only lasted the beginning of the week and before long we'd fallen back into our usual day schedule. Elizabeth will drop Arden off at the local kindergarten and will proceed to go to work. I'll stay at home and work on my portfolio. Nico will scream for attention every hour and I'll go sign with him until he calms down. This'll go on for a solid 6 hours until it's time to pick up Arden. Once Arden gets home I'll put together a small snack for the kids and that'll hold them over until Elizabeth gets home around 7 and we'll eat dinner all together as a family.

Today though, Elizabeth came home later than usual. She said she had to stay later to help an intern with a few papers. This usually happened, so I quickly accepted the multitude of apologies and set the table, with the undying reminder by Arden that she had also helped.

Dinner was full of day stories wildly influenced by the kids' imaginations. Nico wildly waved his hands around explaining stories that never happened. Elizabeth looked at me and Nico smiling. She shot me a curious and questioning look about the contents of his story, I just chuckled and looked at our kid. Arden was listening to Nico but was growing impatient, it was obvious she wanted to say something. She started patting Nico on the shoulder and he stopped abruptly in the middle of signing "big" for the 7th time in a row. Nico looked kind of sad and angry he was interrupted, but he was a kind kid. He stopped for his sister and looked at her patiently. Arden started to talk about her day and her new friends. I looked at Nico and Arden talking independently. I smiled, happy Arden was catching on to sign, but the quickest moment a sadness fell over me when I realized I no longer needed to translate for the kids. Arden stuttered and looked at me "How do you sign 'airplane'?" I looked at her and grinned, repeating the sign for her to learn. Elizabeth tapped me on the on the shoulder and pointed at Nico and softly laughed. Nico looked offended and hurt. He frowned deeply and looked at his sister "Why can't you ask me?" his lip jutted out in a pout. He almost started crying. I tried, but I couldn't help from laughing softly. Elizabeth playfully hit my shoulder and murmured a quick rude; I shut up. Elizabeth eyed the table and smiled. She stood up abruptly enough for Arden to disengage from her conversation with Nico and for him to follow.

"Who wants ice cream?" she signed, Nico started waving his hands frantically instantly, while Arden slowly translated the words out, the second she understood, her eyes lit up.

"I do mama, I do. Please," she whined and extended the 'e' for a good solid 6 extra seconds.

Elizabeth smiled and tapped the table twice as she stood up. She exited the room, leaving me with the kids. The distinct crash of bowls was heard from the kitchen.

"You okay in there, love?" I yelled.

A muffled 'I'm good.' was heard through the walls. I smiled and stood up.

I looked at the kids, "I'll be right back." I could hear Arden whine as I walked into the kitchen.

I smiled at the woman in front of me, back towards me, she stood clutching four bowls and a freezing quart of Cookies 'n Cream. I grin as I walked up behind her, causing her to tense up on my touch.

"Hey." I rested my biceps on her shoulders, extending my hands out in front of us. She laughs softly and turns around.

"Hi." now facing me, she grins. I kiss her once, but she breaks off the kiss smiling, "The kids are waiting..." I pause and jokingly sigh, disappointed.

"Right, we have those now," I complain. She laughs and places four bowls, accompanying spoons and the ice cream all into one precarious stack.

"We've had them for a few years, babe." she comments, I chuckle.

"Hey, wait, what about me?" I look at her stack of ice cream.

"Your's is in the freezer," she says simply, I pout, she laughs in response

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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