Chapter 14

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"Justice. Justice... Justice!" I finally turn and look at him.

"I'm getting coffee, do you want anything?" He asks sighing. I shake my head side to side.

"You sure?" He asks. I nod my head yes and he gets out of the car and walks into the Dunkin Donuts.

I watch him as he walks into the store. Sometimes, I have to hold my breath around him, just to keep from saying something stupid. I constantly distract myself to keep from staring at him. His beautiful, easy eyes, his glorious body, and his oh so soothing voice, all too much for me to take in at once.

When my mind strays to his visit to my house, I remember his honest answer to my father. Some days, if I think about it too long, my heart skips a beat and I get a little flustered. I don't know if he notices how nervous I am around him now. Just his presence makes my heart swell.

He comes to the car with his iced coffee in one hand and a bag in the other. He sits down in the drivers seat and puts down the coffee to start up the car. I grab the drink quietly, smiling to myself as I put the drink up to my lips. As I nearly indulged in the bitter sweet liquid, he snatched the cup out of my hands.

"No hunbun. I asked you twice if you wanted something. This is mine." He says taking a sip from his drink.




"Nuh-uh." He said putting up his finger. I slouched down in my chair and pouted to myself. I was so busy trying to distract myself from him, I didn't realize what I wanted... other than him. I sat there quietly as he drove. As my mind began to wonder over to him, I began trying to find things to distract. Suddenly he handed me the drink with a soft 'here'.

"You better be glad you're cute when you pout." He says frowning at the road. I smile over at him softly as he glanced at me. "Stop smiling, i'm trying to stay mad at you." He says as a small smirk breaks onto his face.

I smile lazily as I sip his drink. I sigh as I taste the smooth caffeine.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't drink it all." He says.

"Sorry." I breath as I detach my lips from the straw.

"Um, I meant to ask you this earlier, but I never got the chance to." He says turning into the building parking lot. "You wanna hang out later today." He asks as he parks.

I pause for a moment and consider.

"I don't know Kyle..."

"Think about it Justice, when's the last time you've been out anywhere just for fun."

"I know, I know but..." I shake my head left and right not wanting to even go there.

"But what?" He says gazing at me. I pause for a moment hoping I wouldn't regret what I was about to say.

"I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"That someone will see us, and start something again." I said feeling the womb the they tore open beginning to rip.

"You don't have to worry about them? This isn't about them." He says seeming defensive.

"I get it but, I can't." I sigh to myself miserably as I hang my head.

"Justice," He says gently lifting my chin as his eyes stared at me with deep intensity. His voice was firm, apart from his actions. "I won't let anyone hurt you. I want you to be happy and I'm tired of seeing you try to evade what's best for you. I promise you don't have to be scared. I promise nobody will hurt you the way they did before. Okay? And when did you start caring about what everybody thought of you. From what I can remember, the Justice I knew was bold, loud, courageous, smart, witty, funny, undoubtedly adorable, and more than anything beautiful from the inside out." He finishes, his breath fanning my face. The proximity seemed to have closed as he began describing who I used to be. My eyes trailed down from his deep green eyes to his pink, inviting lips. I couldn't fight against the longing that focused on his perfect mouth. "Where did she go?" He asks in a whisper, his lips less than inches away. I could hardly find my breath as I sucked in all the air that I could find. I sat still and watched carefully as he tucked my hair behind my ear.

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