Author Note

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Hi there everyone I am wondering if you read my books and I am trying my best to update them and trying to think ideas plus I had Google plus account.
I just wondering do you all like me here way I do cause I can do role-playing with someone and role-playing that person who I am then someone hate me I role-playing way I am I just helping & who I am in that.
Then I ask if someone need help say no and my name plus told me to run away & don't get hurt and I did.
One hour later Then I look at that same person post & role playing with someone else. Meanwhile I was go same post run away part and I comment if it safe now say run away go home not hiding.
I did what someone say plus Someone want to block me at first say sorry after that I was crying and mad make no sense to roleplay with fun. So at my job I got hurt by popcorn kettle on my eye well close plus my arm and trouble for slacking off, but I was serving customers how I do both & how I got hurt by my supervisor told me to hurry up so I am fine & I have a day off from work and rest.

But I don't mind the dare on my dare book or Vicky cause that make my day and happy
Please comment about which book I would do plus I do Spoofer video on YouTube so soon to be 1st episode of Logan Phillip [Aladdin] soon so hope you all like it.
Thanks for reading later. Vanish

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