031.|| the next time it rains [r.w.] || song fic by melanie martinez

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Summary: He loved you a little too much.


The Next Time It Rains


just 'cause i bought a band-aid
doesn't mean i'm able to clean the scars
that run deeper than all my demons
that i keep under still water


Your heart broke.

And he's there for you. He wished for you, he wished under the stars that someday, you'll run to him, because he knows that he can treat you better than the one who broke your heart. He's there to wipe your tears away and whisper comforting words to your longing ears, he's there to cradle you in his arms and gently rock you back and forth into a deep sleep. He's there.

But what he doesn't know is that he's not what it seems to be.

He's just an option to you.

You just run to him because there's no one to welcome you anymore, you just want him because he's alway's there for you, because you are just a pathetic, little girl that trips over toxic relationships and you just wait for him to pick you up and mend you again; and you leave him again because you already got what you wanted, you just run to him when you needed him.


just 'cause you give me flowers,
doesn't cover up the smell of a dead body,
or raise a dead body of a girl
who got shut down before


He gave you everything, everything he can give, and is willing to give you more. Ron hoped you can see it, that he's ready to sacrifice anything for you.

But that's the thing; no matter how much he can give, that will never change the fact that you don't love him. You needed him, but you never loved him.

He fixed your broken heart, but it's still fragile and unable to love anyone.


just 'cause you say you love me
doesn't mean i'm gonna look you
in the eyes, pretend to be surprised,
and say i love you back.


There's nothing he can do about it. He just can't push you to love him back like he did, you just can't fake your feelings for him, you just can't make yourself love someone just because they said they loved you, you just can't force yourself into thinking that you loved them back and be in a relationship with them even if you're sure that it's out of pity.

You never asked him to love you, you never asked him to be there when you needed someone, you never asked for him.

I can say that you are an unappreciative brat but you just can't help it, you don't have feelings for him that might bloom into love, and don't get me wrong, you really tried.


just 'cause you are my band-aid
doesn't mean i want you to stick around,
'cause rebounds get washed away
the next time it rains


It's not Ron's fault that he fell in love with you, and it's just the way your sobs are getting its way to his heart, the way your tears always end up on the gentle pads of his fingertips, the way your breaths are so shallow and voice hoarse from all the crying and wailing about the boy that never cared about you; it's also not your fault that you can't lie to yourself and love him, because it's clearly a bitter pill to swallow and it can't mend your broken heart with the relationship you might have because it's precisely fake.

He cries himself to sleep that night when you told him that i don't love you and he bitterly thought that am i not enough?; he treat you better and that's what he is to you? A band-aid? Recovery?

You told him sorry but he just can't stop himself from running away because from all the things he did to you, he realised how small he is to you to be able to rip him off of your life in just a flick of hands and he's gone. He's nothing to you.


i need a band-aid recovery
you're just a band-aid recovery
i'll rip you off when i bleed


He is clearly nothing.

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