Chapter 2

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C.J.'s P.O.V.

I stood in the store, watching some teenage guys fool around. I narrowed my eyes as one came dangerously close to knocking over a shelf.

"Be careful," I called.

A guy looked up and his eyes widened when he saw me. He grinned.

"Hey, I just noticed this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend," he winked.

I rolled my eyes but was painfully reminded of Harry doing the exact same thing.

"Really? You must have me confused with someone else," I said.

The boy's mouth dropped a little and his friends laughed, hitting him on the back. I smirked as he still stared at me, looking dumbfounded. Well, this kid has to be sixteen. I'm twenty, thank you very much. No high schoolers for me.

The boy marched over, looking determined. "Kiss me if I'm wrong, but isn't One Direction horrible?" he grinned, proud with himself.

"No, you're right," I said cheerfully. "They aren't the best."

The boy looked stumped. I'll bet he didn't expect me to not like One Direction.

"Look," I said, trying to be gentle. "How old are you?"

"Sixteen," the boy said.

"I'm twenty," I pointed out.

"So?" the boy challenged.

"I'm four years older than you," I said.

"I'm very mature for my age," the boy said.

"From what you've both shown, we can both agree that you're not," I said, ruffling his hair before getting up and walking among the aisles to the back.

I didn't look back as I walked into the back and picked up a box of new shipments. I carried it outside, grabbing one and squinting at the cover. It was a One Direction album.

Of course, I thought. These things are selling like hotcakes.

I walked over to the pop section and set the box down, picking up at least ten CDs and putting them on the shelf. Then, I grabbed a Script album and dropped them off by their section. I spent the next half hour crisscrossing the store, putting albums of varying genres on their shelves. I ignored the boys, though I knew they were sulking by my register. Once I finished I glanced at the clock. It was five minutes to closing time.

"Hey, it's almost closing time, you guys should go home," I said, coming over to my register and sitting behind it.

The boy who'd tried to flirt with me leaned on the counter. "But I'm not ready to leave yet."

"Well, you have five minutes, find whatever you want to buy and make it snappy," I said crossly.

The boy grinned, undeterred. "Oh, I wasn't looking for a CD."

He leaned forward and I realized just what he was going to do right before he did it. I managed to lean back quick enough so his lips only barely brushed mine.

I staggered backwards, spluttering, wiping my mouth with my hand. "Did you just try to kiss me?"

The boy winked, obviously getting the wrong message. "Good, wasn't it?"

"No!" I spat, still trying to remove his germs from my lips. "I don't appreciate being kissed by a total stranger!"

The boy waved his friends off, and they left, wishing him luck as they went. I narrowed my eyes at them and they sped up. Clearly, this idiot is the leader of them all.

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