Life v/s soul

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Life sings a song,
But soul writes the lyrics.
Life is a bookey of flowers,
But soul is garden of flowers.

Life is ripen fruit,
But soul is tree of fruits,
Life admire's  beauty,
But soul admire's peace.

Life live's for others,
But soul lives for life,
Life never remains forever,
But soul never dies.

Life is lived only once,
But soul lives many times,
Life loves just once,
But soul loves forever.

Life is to admire's  loved once,
But soul is to admire's god,
Life gets happy,hurted,
But soul get strenghten each time.

Live for other's but dont forget urself. Live to make ur soul stronger because life is just a step to move further. Death is not the end its just the beginning to live a new life.
                                  By HARSHIVA

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