The hard part

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~Being an empath~

As an empath you never know who's emotions you're feeling. Being a big room full of a lot of people can make you feel very drained and tired. Your very own emotions are multiplied. If the guy next to you is angry and you feel your own anger start to rise don't be alarmed. All of this is natural.

In my own experience, I have competitions for my sport, everyone's nerves and emotions are very frazzled and running high. There is six other people on the team excluding myself. I feel everyones except one of my best friends. She's a different magical creature so I cannot channel her feelings. I can never tell who feeling what because all the emotions of my team and all the people watching are going through my mind.

Just recently we had a competition and the gym was so tightly packed I thought I was going to explode, the nerves and anxiousness of everybody was to much to handle.

Lately I have been getting premaninitions. For some empaths this is natural, it happens to be a power tied to being an empath.  Sometimes they are hard to handle. Personally, I've seen my grandfather had a heart attack, my mother in a casket, and my best friend's death. Other prems are of better nature  in spite the pain felt. I saw myself giving birth to my first born.

Emotions are tricky. An empaths emotions are like popular songs, constantly changing fighting for a chance to be at the top.

Please if you have ever experienced anything like this, contact me through messaging here on wattpad. Being an empath can be a hard thing to go through alone.

Blessed be~~~ the empath

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