Dan's P.O.V 1

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I decided to get up early to surprise Phil with his favourite food ever. Popcorn! I thought we could have a movie day in! I quickly called PJ and Chris and told them to come over at 11 am, but I didn't tell them what we were doing. It would be a surprise for everyone.

I hoped I could finish making the popcorn before Phil woke up but he came through 10 minutes too early! :( 

Phil, you're finally up! How did you sleep?!"I asked, although disappointed everything wasn't ready before Phil got up.

"Dan, is this what I think it is?!"Phil said innocently. I loved it when Phil acted all innocent. But I had to add some dirt in.

"Depends what you think it is, Phil." I said softly.

"Are we having..." Phil started excitedly.

I got nervous. What was he about to say?!

"A movie day in????!!!!!"Phil screamed.

I was relieved that was what he said. 

But i had to get mad at him for ruining the surprise.

"Uggghhh, Phil, you ruined the surprise. PJ and Chris will be here soon. Keep quiet though. They don't know what we're doing yet."I said in a fake annoyed voice.

He frowned at this. I don't know why though. All I knew was that I hated seeing him sad.

Does he love me?????!!!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat