Jerome V. - Bloody

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"It's blood not nuclear waste. Chill out."

Word count - 1308


     Theo was very specific in saying that Jerome was not to know about the little rendezvous I was in charge of. Theo had someone coming after him and he wanted me to take out that person. And he didn't want Jerome to know or go because if Jerome knew, J would not let me go without him. Also, Theo was afraid that if J knew and went, that we would escape together. And he's a smart man, because it would have happened that way. 

     But here I am, on top of a building at 2 in the morning waiting for the guy to leave the building. Why it had to be so early in the morning, I don't know. But it did make it a little easier to escape from Jerome's clutches. 

     Don't get me wrong, I love Jerome. And he loves me. But he is very protective of me, like overly protective. Although I love that, I also love getting out and doing my own little 'performances' per say. He almost never lets me leave my sight unless he absolutely has to. 

    I snap out of my thoughts as I hear chatter in the alley. I sweep my sniper down and look around. Weird, I thought. There's no one there. Next thing I know, a bullet pierced through my left shoulder and I bit down a scream. I look the way the bullet came from and see the guy I was supposed to kill. I immediately shoot him in the head before he can get away. 

   As I check my wound, I realize that it'll be fine after I patch it up. Eh, I've had worse. I continue to lay on the rooftop for a few seconds to see if he was truly down. But as I watched, I heard footsteps behind me. The person was obviously trying to keep quiet, but failing horribly. Before I could turn around fast enough, a knife buried itself in my calf. This time I couldn't hold back the scream. 

   I whipped around and shot the guy in his balls causing him to fall to his knees. I took this to my advantage and grabbed his head and snapped his neck. I picked his body up with the little strength I had and threw it off the rooftop, watching it fall 5 stories before smashing against the pavement. 

    "Mother fucker," I say as I pulled the knife out of my leg and try to assess the wound through the bleeding. 

    By now, almost my entire body was soaked with blood, not all was mine though. I knew I looked like shit, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was go home and get cleaned up. As I stood up, I got very lightheaded and I could tell I was very pale. I pulled out my phone to call Theo to let him know it was done, but before I could, everything went black.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip; like 6 hours~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     I woke up expecting to feel the ginger that sleeps next to me, pull me closer or yawn like usual. But it didn't happen. I sit up and look around and found myself on a rooftop. I looked down and saw that I was laying in a puddle of blood. 

    I immediately started to freak out as I remembered what had went down and how I was supposed to be back before the sun rose. But as I looked around, I saw that the sun was already up and very high. I looked at my watch and saw that it was a little after 8 am. 

   I took my time as I got up to make sure I wouldn't pass out again and took very little steps. The stairs were very difficult to go down but I had made it and I was now outside in full sunlight, looking like a corpse. It didn't help that I was wanted either. 

    I hurried back to Theo's as fast as possible while still taking my time. I was just about there when I had the sensation to pass out again. I re-evaluated my wounds and saw that they were still very bad and needed to be treated very soon.

     But I had no more time to think about that as I entered Theo's apartment building. And just my luck as the elevator was out so I had to take the stairs. The entire way up was excruciatingly painful. 

    "God, I would rather fucking die than be doing this right now," I grumbled under my breath as I climbed the last few stairs, holding my worst wound to try and stop the bleeding. 

    As soon as I got to the door of Theo's apartment, I almost collapsed if it weren't for the door being locked.

    "What the fuck?! Let me in!" I yelled as I banged my fist on the door while still trying to hold myself up.

    "Oh my God! (Y/N)! Thank God. Jerome woke up this morning and couldn't find you. He's having a panic attack thinking something bad happened to you!" Barbara exclaimed as she opened the door for me.

   I rushed past her as fast as I could to where I could hear Jerome muttering and sobbing from. I knew how bad his panic attacks could get and felt really guilty for causing one.

   "Jerome! Breathe, I'm right here. I'm fine," I cooed into his ear, trying to get him to calm down.

   "(Y/N)!!" He whipped around and faced me, about to hug me when his face dropped and paled even more than normal.

   "(Y/N)? Wh-what happ-happened? Are you ok-okay? Why are y-you?" Jerome was still freaked out and him seeing me a bloody mess definitely did not help him. 

   "I'm fine, relax. I jus-" I tried to start explaining before I was cut off by Jerome yelling.


   "Dude, it's blood, not nuclear waste. Chill out. As for why I was gone all morning, I had a job that needed to be done and it went south pretty fast. But for right now, all you need to know is that I'm fine and I'm back. But I do have to go patch up before I pass out again, so if you'll excuse me." I explained pushing past him and heading towards the bathroom to stitch up my wounds. 

~~~~~TIME SKIP you finished stitching yourself up :) ~~~~~

    I finished stitching myself up and limped into my bedroom. I sat down on the bed just as Jerome walked in. He looked like a sad puppy that had been kicked out in the rain. I felt bad for him but I couldn't do much or I'd rip my stitches. 

    He walked over to me and gingerly sat down on the bed next to me. 

    "I'm sorry," He whispered as he put his head onto my shoulder. "I was just worried about you and wasn't sure if you were safe or not."

    "I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have treated you like that. I know you were worried. And I'm sorry I came back so late, I was supposed to be here before you woke up but things went downhill and I couldn't make it back in time," I apologized softly to him while planting a light kiss on fluffy, ginger hair. 

    "You have nothing to be sorry for, gorgeous. Mistakes happen and we just have to move past them. But I am glad that you're home safe and sound. Now let's cuddle," He explained before throwing me, gently, onto the bed and pulled me close into his arms. 

    "I love you," I whispered as he started to play with my hair.

    "Goodnight, gorgeous," He whispered on my forehead. "I love you, too." 

Jerome Valeska / Ian Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now