Untitled Part 2

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Dear December Woods,

I am to go in to search for any clues to the murder of Jeffrey Bones. If you happen to find any information for me send it to Brensburg. I will be staying at the Moonlight Hotel. Please make sure it gets to me. That will be all


Julia Fantôme

. . .

Slowly, Julia made her way up to the house, looking for any clues to who, or what may have killed former detective Jeffrey Bones. He had died about a week ago, and it was time to get some answers. Not only that but poor December had fallen into a great depression because of this. It was up to her now.

Julia walked into the old creaking house, making rats and other things run about in fear. She walked over to where a doll laid slowly picking it up. It was an old victorian doll with a chipped nose and it seemed to be looking at her, it's blue eyes staring into her soul. Its body was limp and lifeless, yet it's head seemed almost real.... ALIVE. Julia quickly through the doll to the ground.

For the rest of her time on the first floor, she continued to find dolls like the first one. All had a chipped piece and a limp body, and all seemed to watch her with living heads. She quickly made her way to the second floor, noticing that there were some missing steps, broken pieces in their place . She walked very carefully making sure she didn't stab any nails through her foot.

She made it to the second floor, only to find it blocked of by furniture, so she instead made her way up to the third floor. This floor was falling apart; the wood flooring was coming apart and it smelled of rotting flesh. No one had been their for awhile it seemed.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her. She quickly turned around, only to find a doll behind her. A blonde doll with blue eyes and a chipped nose. She stared at it for a while before walking towards it, seeing if it was really the same doll from the beginning. However, as soon as she got close to it the floor fell from underneath her, and everything went black.

. . .

She woke up back on the first floor. Looking up she saw how far she had fallen. How had she survived she wondered staring at the top of the huge hole she had made. She tried to get up but pain quickly shot through her legs. She looked down only to look back up. The bone in her right leg was pointing out through her skin and her left ankle was twisted all the way around.

She looked around for something to move herself around with or to use as crouches. She found a random wheelchair about six feet away from her, and she dragged herself over to it. She quickly got herself into it and looked for the door. That seemed like enough exploring for the day, and besides, what was she going to do with two unuseable legs.

However, the door was nowhere in sight. She wheeled around the whole floor but there was no door. As if out of nowhere a voice spoke up.

"What are you looking for miss?"

A young girl with a bent neck stood beside her. Her jaw was loose and hanging by a threads at the side of her face. Her forehead looked as though someone had taken a cheese grater to it.The yellow dress she wore was stained with blood, and she looked at least twelve.

"I'm-I'm looking for the way out", she replied, staring at the girl.

The girl smiled, her face slowly fixing itself, "Oh, Ms.Fantôme, don't you see." She paused as her neck slowly went back into place. "There isn't one."

A long silver knife found its way to to Julia's heart, and slowly her world turned black, but not before she heard the girl say...

"Ms.Fantôme, I'm Lilith Burns. You and me are going to be the best of friends... Don't you think?"  

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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