The Only Water on The Moon is The River

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"I am coming for you." He said "whatever happens, however hard, however far, I will find you." And he did. I whispered to Melody about the raggedy man who fell from the sky. That he's coming to save us and he'll stop at nothing to do so.

She wailed as the soldiers took her away but a commotion had arisen outside. People were shooting, screaming, headless monks were dying left right and centre. Then I saw him. He'd gathered a crowd of people to help battle the people of Demons Run.

Suddenly he bolted off down through a doorway, followed by Jenny. The guards took Melody out and I was finally alone.

I waited, staring out the window at the carnage. But my solitude was soon interrupted, the door to my clinically white room opening.

"What do you want now?" I asked, "you've already taken her."

"No I haven't ma'am." a female voice answered.

"Jenny?" I said as I turned around.

"The very same ma'am." She said with a smile. "He'll be here shortly ma'am."

Sure enough, not long after Jenny arrived I heard slow footsteps in the corridor. He stood in the doorway, holding Melody.

"Hello Pond." He smiled that soft, caring smile that he always put on for me. I rushed to him, hugging him as close as I could.

"I guess I can say come along Ponds again." He said. I took her in my arms and gently kissed her forehead.

"We need to go. We need to get to the TARDIS." He said.


Melody's gone. I screamed for the doctor but he was too late.

"Amy! Amy! Melody isn't Melody, she's a flesh avatar! Amy..." he shouted as he ran over to us.

"We know." Jenny said bitterly.

"I'm sorry. Amy I'm sorry, you know I'm sorry." He said

"You promised." I mumbled. "You promised that you'd save us, you'd save her."

"And I will. We will get your daughter back."

"She's the only thing I have left of him!"

"I know she is and she'll be here soon."

He told me to go to the TARDIS. To clean myself up and put on some fresh clothes.

"I need to sort some things out here. I'll only be a moment." He said, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. I smiled weakly and did as I was told.

Like he said, he wasn't long. I heard the doors open and close then the whirring of the TARDIS engine. I finished getting changed and joined him.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked, his face plastered with a big dopey grin.

"Oh no reason, just feeling a bit more confident." He answered. That made me feel a bit better.

I leaned on the safety rail and watched him work, moving so fluidly around the console. It was impressive but then again he was always impressing people.

That night I dreamt that I was holding Melody, she was smiling and cooing at me. Rory sat beside me and put his arm around my shoulder. No, it was the doctor. He smiled and stroked Melody's cheek with his free hand.

Suddenly, she started to cry. Her skin paling, light veins beginning to show.

"No." I mumbled, "n-no, doctor help her." I was begging now. But he wasn't there, instead I was alone, back on Demons Run in the middle of the battlefield. She dissolved away again, slowly this time, crying like she was in pain.

"Doctor!" I screamed.

I sat bolt upright, sweat lightly covered my body, I was shaking. The door to my room swung open and a rather stressed looking doctor rushed in.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He asked. He must have realised I'd been dreaming because he seemed to calm down. Gently moving the covers, he sat down next to me, crossing his legs like he always does.

"Nightmare?" He asked. I nodded quietly.

"Do you ever have nightmares, doctor?"

"Everyone gets nightmares." He extended one arm and motioned towards himself. I shuffled back and he let me lean against him, my head resting against his. "So, what were you dreaming about?" He asked.

"I had Melody, but she... splatted again." I left out the part about Rory turning into him. "She sounded like she was in pain." He reached his other hand up and wiped something from my cheek.

"Crying." He said, "humany-woomany" I laughed quietly at his made up phrase.

"On a serious note, I can promise that she didn't feel anything." He tilted his head and gently kissed my forehead in that reassuring way he always does.


After a while she fell asleep again, curled up and finally at peace. I smiled, amused by her soft snores. When we found out that Rory had died in a car crash I'd sworn to protect her. I've not done the best job but her and Melody are still alive and that's the main thing.

I thought back to my talk with River. How she'd told me the truth about who she was and filled me with hope. I looked at the bedside table and saw the prayer leaf Lorna gave her. The TARDIS had translated it.

"The only water on the moon, is the river." I said to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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