Chapter Two

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(Angels POV)

"Now Ron, don't go falling for my sister. She doesn't need to be drooled on" Harry joked, but he sort of seemed serious (lol sirius.) about it.

Ron half-heartedly laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I stared at the both of them and then I saw both of them frown. "W-what's wrong...?" I asked them both.

"You have a bad bruise on you cheek, seems to be healing though..what happened?" Harry asked and I shivered of the thought. "Aunt Petunia slapped me rather hard earlier...I burnt the breakfast on accident..." I said with a slight whimper.

Ron's eyes widened in shock and pulled me into a tight hug, making me tense up. Obviously not really used to hugs.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that..." he mumbled, meanwhile Harry was looking at Ron with a stern and jealous look.

Ron soon enough pulled away from the hug and stared at me for a moment. "You kinda look like a Malfoy..." he murmured.

I drew a blank in my mind and tilted my head to the slide. I looked over at Harry, "well just because of the pale skin, platinum blonde hair..." he said and was thinking to himself out loud. "H-huh..." I whispered, but then then stuff appeared next to me...a wand...?

I looked at Ron and Harry which both, not helpfully, shrugged their shoulders. I let out a sigh and picked up the wand. I gave it a flick and it shown light and a breeze blew in my face.

I also had an owl in a crate for letters, and then there was a kitten

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I also had an owl in a crate for letters, and then there was a kitten. I scooped it up and cuddled it as I held it in my arms.

"We should get some rest, Angel where would you like to sleep?" Ron asked with a playful wiggle with his brows. Harry elbowed him in the stomach and I looked away, in tiny giggle escaped my lips.

"I think I'll sleep on the couch." I declared calmly and heard both boys let out a disappointed sigh. I giggled and walked down the stairs, laid down on the couch. I pulled a blanket over me and snuggled with my kitten, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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