Part 2

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You woke up. Your head hurt and it was as if you had just had the party of your life last night except that last night all you did was fight with Jimin and run after a green thing. That stupid lizard to your necklace, you gasped, where was it? You reached for your neck and unexpectedly you found that your small silver moon was in it's rightful place, dangling from your neck. You sighed in relief, at least you wouldn't have to chase that creature anymore. It was probably just a bad dream, Jimin was probably still in the next door bedroom and you were in your house. You were determined to go and see him first thing in the morning and apologize for everything and then go and talk to it to your mum. He was right it wasn't respectful of her to treat him like that and you were the only one who could do something about it. You were planning out how you would approach the topic with your mum under the covers, she may not understand. As you felt your way out of the bed you noticed that the sheets were softer than the ones in your bed, and it definitely felt more squishy, had someone moved you from it? You lifted your head out from under the covers, the pillows were made out of silk and embroidered in silver lineage, this certainly wasn't any bed in your house. You weren't home, you were in a luxurious bedroom. The walls were plated in silver and the ceiling was a nighttime sky. Stars were dotted upon it, and you felt like they were smiling down at you, you scoffed at the ridiculous thought, stars couldn't smile. The bed you were in was gigantic, you could probably fit 5 people or more in it if you wanted to, which was probably why you had a hard time finding you way out from under the sheets. Curtains fell down on the side of the bed like the beds you would see in princess movies, the soft blue shade completed the soft dreamy atmosphere in the room. It felt as if the whole decoration was inspired by the clouds themselves, everything was soft and creamy, different shades of white and blue were accompanied by the shimmering of silver, the only light came from the stars. After having a look at the place you were pretty sure you were still stuck in a dream by how luxurious it looked, you had never seen anything like it. You got up from the soft bed, a fluffy rug greeted your bare feet and you started to search for a way to get out from here other than the door. You could hear people talking behind it and you didn't want to be spotted dream or not you wanted to get out of here. On your right were curtains that dropped from the ceiling to the floor, that was your way out. You approached them quickly and before you could tear them open, the doorknob started to jiggle and a young lady walked in. You dropped the hem of the curtains not wanting to be caught trying to escape, and put your hands innocently behind your back. You probably looked like a small child that had been caught when being up to no good, and by the look on her face she could see right through you. The woman smiled at you "Good morning" she hummed her voice was as soft as the room.
You stared at her while she came to fill a glass of water and on a small table placed in a corner. Every move she made was graceful, you gawked at her, she was one of the prettiest people you had ever seen. Her long golden locks tumbled down on her shoulders and her pastel pink dress flowed with her every movement.
Her pink cheeks made her eyes wrinkle when she smiled as she continued talking to you "Now that you are awake we should take you to see Gabriella, there are some suitable clothes for you in the cupboard." she said eyeing the sport shorts and Jimin's t-shirt you were wearing with slight disgust.
"You have five minutes to get ready and I will escort you to her. Please do not try to escape from the window it is a very high drop, I do not recommend it." although her voice was soft her words were strict and you knew that you'd better not fuck around with her.
Before she left you alone in the room once more you managed to blurt out "Where am I?"
She came to a halt in front of the big door and gave you a small grin "I am sorry but it is not for me to answer that." and walked out.
You sighed getting more and more frustrated by this situation. Everything felt so real, and you were starting to believe that this wasn't a dream anymore. Even though she had warned you about the window you still wanted to try, if there was any possibility of you escaping this place you were willing to take it. You pushed the heavy curtains open and behind the tall windows was indeed the biggest drop you had ever seen. You were hanging over a cliff so high that the only thing you could see underneath was a thick layer of bright white clouds. On both sides you could see the prolongation of a grey castle, with silver rooftops. The sunrise was making the windows and rooftops sparkle in the newborn sunlight, but you didn't admire the view for too long the drop making you dizzy at the thought of falling down it. The woman was right the window was surely not an option if you wanted to get out of here. You decided to do as told for the moment and you headed for the cupboard. You swung the heavy wooden door open and inside was a single dress. You took it off from the hanger, it was a long silky golden dress and you felt pretty insecure with having to put such a thing on. It would draw too much attention to you which was never a thing you were very comfortable with, especially not when you were trying to escape. It was as if you were wearing a fucking beacon which was not what you wanted at all. Still you put it on, leaving Jimin's t-shirt on the bed heavy heartedly and you drunk up the glass of water on the table in the hopes of making your horrible headache fade away before stepping out of the room.
The lady was waiting for you, "You look beautiful." she gleamed. "Follow me." she said as she started leading you down the longest corridor you had ever seen. "My name is Abby, I am the daughter of Alexander the chief commander of Khonsu's army and I am your escort." she turned around left along another corridor that led you both to a big staircase that was opened on what looked like a ballroom, that you both crossed before engaging yourself down another set of halls. "I am here to protect you and help you in your daily routine while you stay in this castle. I know you don't understand a word of what I'm saying but no worries, Gabriella will explain everything you need to know."
As she guessed you didn't really understand what she was going on about and decided to just nod, if what she said was true then you would get your answers in a couple of minutes, that is if you hadn't ran away up until then, but the further you two went the more you knew it was going to be impossible to get out of here without losing yourself. You kept turning left then right and going through small to extremely big rooms. You passed by a few people but none of them seemed to pay you much attention which was fine by you. Finally you arrived in front of a door and Abby stopped, "She's waiting for you." she said as she nodded towards the door.
You stared at her your nervous gaze changing between Abby and the door. Did she really want you to step into a room with a total stranger, for all you knew that Gabriella could be a total psychopath and being locked up with her didn't seem to be a good plan to you. Abby saw your struggle and sighed before shoving you inside in a huff. You stumbled inside the dimly lit room and almost fell face first right in front of the woman who you guessed was Gabriella. She was sat down in big black lacy dress with her back up straight. Her beautiful traits enforced by her wrinkles and fiery blue eyes glared at you as you tried to remain steady on your feet. You felt unsteady in her presence something about her made her look intimidating. There was silence for a few seconds as she inspected you, you weren't quite sure of where to put yourself so you just stood there awkwardly. Then she smiled at you pleaded you to sit down in a sweet voice, the sudden tenderness took you aback as you sat on the silky white couch in front of her. Once you were seated comfortably she started to talk to you clearly expecting you to soak in every single word she was about to say, "Listen child, I know you have come a long way and you are lost but what I am about to tell you is very important and I want you to listen very carefully. Before we begin anything I would like to know your name."
"Y/N" you said as clearly as you could trying not to seem to flustered by this whole situation.
She smiled softly and for some reason the view of her smile appeased you.
"Y/N... that is a nice name, your parents made a good choice." she complimented, but at the mention of your parents you received a pang into your feelings as it reminded you what happened last night and Jimin's hurt face jumped into your mind. Nonetheless you tried to stay composed and to listen to what this woman had to say, since the further this dream went on the more you were convinced it was reality.
"There are many things you need to know, so I will start with the story all of our people are familiar with." As she said that the few candles that were lighting the room went out as a huff of wind ran through the room, and sent shivers down your spine.
"Long ago,.." her voice grumbled in your ears, as if she was occupying every inch in between these four walls.
Slowly the ceiling lit up and the sun and moon appeared " the moon and the sun lived side by side, they completed each other, together they were happy." the moon and the sun were intertwined and formed one and only ball of light that warmed up the room with its light as Gabriella's voice invaded every corner of your soul.
"But the night was feeling alone on his side of the planet and the sight of their saw love made him jealous. So one terrible day he decided to separate them."
The light in the room disappeared and everything became cold, the room was telling the story with Gabriella, but for some reason instead of being amazed by the magical scene unraveling before your eyes, you felt sad when the darkness took the moon away from the sun.
"The night in his anger tore them apart and sent them millions of miles away... Now the sun lights up the moon from afar to see the far away face of his long lost lover. If you pay attention to the sky it is not rare to see them cry as their teardrops leave trails of stars through the night."
Stars appeared in the air and the room lit up once more, the glow much softer than the flaming light the sun and moon had made from their love but still there was light.
"One day their tears fell on earth and two kingdoms were born, ours Khonsu son of the moon, and Ra daughter of the sun."
At those last words the light returned to its initial state and Gabriella inspected your face, you were bewildered by what had just happened it all seemed so real and you didn't understand how anything of the sort was possible.
"Our two kingdoms have been at war for fifty years now." she sighed. "There is no simple way to explain this so I'll just say it, you are our only hope to restore peace."
You couldn't believe what she had just said. This couldn't be true, this dream had to take an end now, the pressure felt all too real and you hated it, it was turning out to be a nightmare.
"No you are not dreaming sweetie.." she assured, "I know it is hard to believe but sadly this is our reality." Had she just read your mind? You weren't too sure, maybe the look of disbelief was just plain obvious on your face but she ignored it and kept explaining.
"You are the daughter of Khonsu's king. You see your parents were living a forbidden love between the two kingdoms, and lived their passion in the dark. You are the fruit of their love like the tears from the sky but sadly you were discovered. Your mother the adoptive daughter of Ra's greatest priests had to run away with you and live in the human world. Now that you have come of age our helpers, the incubus, have brought you back, I am sure you have been noticing strange things back home lately. I am sorry for any trouble they have caused you they can be real little devils when they want to." she scolded. That explained why your stuff kept going missing, and why your car kept changing parking space. The two people talking in the library were surely the incubus coming to take you to this place. If you ever could get a hold of them you were pretty sure you would beat them up in the blink of an eye. They made you think you had gone crazy those little shits, "stupid rats" you thought to yourself. Suddenly a question occurred to you "How am I supposed to restore peace then?" you dared to ask.
"Good question" she chuckled and you felt like you were back at school with your teacher encouraging you to participate more.
"Well you see, this is the part you might have a bit more trouble with. All the rest must have been quite hard to digest already, given that you just learned you are a princess." A princess you hadn't even thought about that. But after all you were apparently the king's daughter so that of course made you a princess. The thought scared you. "To restore peace you are to wed Ra's prince, Kim Taehyung."
Wed? As in marry? As in becoming his wife? Become this total stranger's wife. You felt your heart crush at those words. You were not ready for that, you couldn't. You had Jimin back home.
"No." you blurted out.
Gabriella seemed shocked. "I beg your pardon?"
"No." sun riseyou exclaimed."I will not marry a stranger to restore peace between two kingdoms that frankly I don't give a fuck about, you can't force me."
"I'm sorry but that is not for you to decide dear." she sighed. "You see this wedding has been planned your whole life, this is what our mum has raised you for." Your mum? So she knew, she knew all along. That's why she always hated your boyfriends. She was readying you for this marriage. You suddenly felt betrayed, how could she do this to you? It was like raising a pig for slaughter.
"I'm sorry about this, but it's your destiny, Khonsu and Ra have made their choice."
"WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT KHONSU AND RA? DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR WAR? WAS IT MY FAULT YOU COULDN'T STAY AT PEACE?" you were finally losing it. All of this was confusing you and you were turned into a raging ball of anger.
"I understand child, we will give you some time but in only two days you are to meet your future husband. I'm sorry. Abby will take you back to your room." she looked sorry but you didn't care. At the realization that there was no escaping this you rushed out and slammed the door. You didn't even look Abby's way you had to get out of here. You had to go as far as you could from this place. You ran down the halls as fast as your legs could take you, the tears gushing down your face. You didn't even look where you were going all you wanted was to escape this feeling of oppression. You finally reached what looked like a door to the outside and you went straight for it. You got out of there and breathed in the fresh morning air, you instantly calmed down and stopped running. Everything came crashing down and you sat on the still dewy grass and you let your tears fall as you sobbed.
Soon you heard a panting Abby arrive behind you "There you are! You..." she was about to tell you off but her sentence cut off when she noticed you were crying. She quietly sat down by you and looked at the horizon. It was breathtaking, a big blossoming garden lay before you and at the edge of the cliff you could see miles of clouds sunrise giving them a slight tint of pink. But you didn't care you were too lost in your thoughts. You were a princess. A princess, that had to marry a stranger. You had been taken away from your loved ones to save kingdoms, that you had never before heard of. You were pretty sure you had never read about Khonsu and Ra. You could feel your heart thud inside your chest as the pain pulsed through your body. You couldn't believe it. Now was time to wake up. You stood up and headed straight for the cliff, if this was dream you would wake up, if it wasn't you would die but at this point you didn't care, whatever this place had to offer you didn't want it. You marched straight, and Abby followed you, "What are you doing?" she asked repeatedly and the closer you got to the cliff the clearer it was to her.
You were going to jump. You saw the look on her face, and you both knew what was going to happen. Your feet pushed you into a sprint towards the approaching drop, as she trailed behind. You couldn't let her catch you, you were fed up already, you needed to wake up. You got to the edge with Abby screaming behind you "STOP! Y/N STOP!" but it was too late you had jumped. You held your eyes closed tight, ready to wake up in your bedroom with your mum calling you for breakfast but nothing happened. The wind was blowing against your face, and you were going to go straight through the clouds. It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a dream and you were now falling through the sky. You wanted to scream but the air didn't come out of your lungs, you wanted to catch something. Maybe you weren't ready for death after all. Suddenly a blue circle appeared before you, and you fell into it. Next thing you knew your face had hit the ground with a thud. You pushed yourself up and hands helped you up. You looked around, people dressed as guards were helping you up. You were alive.
"Thank goodness you opened a portal Seokjin." the person who pulled you up said.
You looked around to see who he was talking about and your eyes fell upon a handsome young man. He brushed of dust from his uniform since he had apparently also hit the floor
"It was pure reflex Namjoon" he mumbled and came up to you with worry, "Are you alright?"
"Yes.." you managed to mutter still getting yourself back together. One thing was sure, you were never doing that again. You were on what looked like a platform carved in the side of the cliff. A few guards were gathered around you, well you supposed they were guards by the looks of their clothes. They were wearing blue and silver uniform, and the one by your side who apparently was Namjoon had many military decorations on his left side. Without warning Abby came crashing onto the platform "Where is she? Where is she?" she yelled.
Her eyes fell upon the small troop of men and she ran towards them and pushed them aside. When she finally saw you, her face went rapidly from relief to anger and she started to scream at you "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?" she shrieked. "I can't believe you just jumped off of a FUCKING CLIFF! Oh my god don't you ever do that again!" strangely the well composed woman you had met before hand had disappeared and you where no face to face with a raging ball of fire. She wasn't happy and she could never have made it less clear. She took you by the arm and tugged you out of there in a grumble and thanked Seokjin for saving you on the way.
After she sat you down and a bench and ranted on how stupid you were for jumping and how she could have lost her job if you died the very first day after your arrival. She went on and on, and you just stopped listening. After a long sermon Abby changed the subject, "I'd better show you your chambers and take you through the whole fucking procedure now."
You looked at her in shock, she had just sworn again. You were not expecting such an attitude from her. At first sight you thought she would be the type of woman to be graceful at all times, but she was turning out to be rather normal, like any other young girl if your age, maybe even ruder.
"What?" she hissed noticing your stare.
"Fine, let's go." she said and she walked off clearly expecting you would follow her, and you did, you didn't have much choice now.
That day she walked you through the whole castle which was to be your new home, the one you should have been raised in. You walked down the pearly white halls as she showed you your chambers, in fact the whole west wing was reserved for the royal family and in which case there was only you. You found yourself wondering what happened to your father, you tried asking Abby about it but she refused to tell you, it wasn't for her to tell you. You were frustrated, you knew very well you would have to ask Gabriella but after what had happened you didn't really want to see her ever again. As you walked across the halls with your golden dress you could feel the number of stares growing, an old lady whispered, not so quietly, to the group of people besides her "She's the princess.." and they all stared as if they had never seen a young girl before. You were getting annoyed about all the mumbling and gazes that would follow you wherever you went. "You're a princess now, might as well get used to it." Abby muttered.
She showed you the entire palace and by noon your feet were hurting and you had stopped in the gardens. After all the visiting you only remembered half of what you had seen, and most of it consisted in long white corridors. The only place you really liked was the gardens, there at least you didn't feel as lost, it kind of looked like your mums. It wasn't all well cut and organised, on the contrary. There were random beds of flowers across the gigantic lawn that spread for miles, fountains were to be found in small corners where you least expected them. A wood was on the right, in there were little benches where you could sit and listen to the birds singing and you already knew you would spend a lot of your time here. At the end of it was the cliff you had jumped off earlier.
After the visit you had some spare time and you had lunch, alone. You were sat by yourself at the big royal table with guards at the entry of the dining room as waiters trailed in and out of the kitchen with different plates of exquisite food. The dishes were absolutely delicious and you thought you would explode after eating so much. Being alone in this big room was sad. When you are you liked to have a nice conversation. Usually you and Jimin would sit around some Pizzas and talk about your day and that one bitch Suzy who kept taking Jimin's stuff without asking at work. Your heart sunk at the thought of Jimin. You hadn't even had the opportunity to apologise for last night and you were promised to some completely different person. You couldn't even stand the thought of not living with him anymore. It had hardly been a day and you already missed him like hell. How were you going to get through this without his reassuring presence? As you were lost in your thoughts Abby came to get you. She entered with a determined pace and flashed you a genuine smile "It' time for arts of history and magic!" she exclaimed enthusiastically.
You hoped it was actually something worth squealing about and that you be able to get your mind off this awful situation. She took you along with a slight skip in her pace, she was clearly excited about this. You arrived in a dusty classroom, there were stacks of old books all over the place. On the walls were loads of dirty jars filled with strange substances, some were in bright colours, others glowed, and some even had some members of what you guessed used to a living being.
"Why are we here?" you questioned Abby as you examined the content of the glass jars, and you could have sworn the eyes floating in one of them were staring at you.
A rattle came from behind you and dust and dirt flew in the air, you swung around towards the noise. Facing you was the same green rat that had got you here. The one that had lead you to the mirror in which you fell in. The one who had dared to steal your necklace from you the anger inside of you exploded when you saw it and you jumped at it's throat in a dash. He was responsible for all this and you wouldn't let him get away this time. You heard you dress tear as you leaped onto the beat "FUCKING RAT!" you yelled with your hand gripping him tight.
"I am an incubus." he snapped his face scrunched as your nails dug in between his scales.
"He's your teacher!" Abby announced from the corner of the room watching the scene.
"What the hell?!" you yelled, your hands let go of the creature which flew away from you. You were not having him as a teacher, it was out of the question. He sat down upon the marble table in the middle of the room, as he announced "I'm Beryth.." but before he could continue a small explosion appeared by his side as another incubus appeared and was clearly a hot mess "Sorry I'm late!" he babbled completely disoriented.
"Finally Forbeus! The princess was waiting!" Beryth snarled. The other thing got itself together and Beryth continued his speech "So as I was saying, I'm Beryth and this is my colleague Forbeus." he glanced towards him and disgust was written all over his face. "We will be your teachers, you are a princess, a person of royal blood and it is your duty to be well educated. During your training with us you will learn arts and history of magic."
"Not only will you learn the great history of Khonsu but you will also learn how to master magic!" Forbeus continued enthusiastically.
"Gabriella will teach you all the other boring stuff, like how to act like a lady!" they scoffed amused by the idea. You looked at them in disgust, how could you sit in the same room as those who took you here, the ones who drove you crazy for weeks. The anger was still burning in your stomach but looking down at your torn dress you restrained yourself from plunging back onto them.
"Let's begin!" Forbeus announced.
"So there's one thing you need to know but I think Gabriella already told you more or less. You are a daughter of the moon from Khonsu. The moon passed on a portion of it's powers to the people of Khonsu through its tears. Each of us have them but not everyone knows how to use them."
"You have them too believe it or not, even if you look more than ordinary." Beryth snickered.
"You just haven't unlocked them yet. So that's what we will start by!" The other rat declared.
A sudden rush of panic and excitement overtook you. "You'll see it's worth it." Abby muttered in your ear and you could tell she was excited, maybe even more than you.
The incubus took you into the center of the room, you were now standing in the middle of a circle carved in the floor, there were strange inscriptions written around it and the more carefully you looked you noticed that they spread across the entire floor. They explained that the words written were from the language of the stars, Naunet, a dead language that only few people could understand and that of course being from the royal family you would come to learn. In the middle of the circle they were to call upon the sky and ask them to shed a tear so you could unravel your powers. You wondered if they were actually telling the truth or making fun of you but after all the weird stuff you had been through in less than a day it wouldn't surprise you that much. Abby sat in the corner of the room and gave you a large smile. The incubus shut the windows, sat down on the marble table and asked for silence. Your heart was pounding in your chest you had no idea what to expect. After a couple of seconds a preternatural chant leaked from their mouths. Their voices were soft and soothing as they summoned the sky for a single tear. The soft and deep melody took you off guard, their voices had nothing to do with the honey spilling from their rough lips. As they sung light started to glow in between their fangs and before you knew it trails of blues fire were slithering down from their seat to the floor. You observed the incredible magic operating in front of you and it looked like the flames were dancing to their song. At the touch of the light the words on the floor lit up taking in the heat and spread, the entire floor blazing in blue fire, lulled by the mystical song. You started to panic as you were now surrounded by a ring of fire, but a voice whispered "stay calm.." it was the same voice as the one from the mirror, and the sound of it appeased you. You trusted the voice.
The flames were closing into you but you stayed put. Before you knew it they were above your head and you were now in sphere of sizzling flames. You started to drift away listening carefully to the song, and then it hit you like lightning. A strike so powerful that you felt your heart combust. The blaze was trickling through your veins, the light took over your mind, and then nothing.
You woke up on the floor surrounded by your teachers and Abby, peering down your face with worry.
"What happened?" you mumbled. Your neck was sore and a raging pain was caused by the burnt skin beneath your necklace. You reached for the silver moon and it was still warm.
"The sky gave away a tear, but apparently the effect it had on you was more severe than expected." Forbeus said.
"The room filled with a blinding blue light and the next thing we knew you were lying unconscious on the floor." Abby explained. You seated yourself back up still dizzy from the shock.
"Your powers are unlocked now, and by the reaction you had I guess that they are quite strong. After all it shouldn't be a surprise your father and mother both had exceptional energies. Do you feel something?" Beryth questioned.
You thought about it, searching for something new. The burn and thumping headache were distracting you from feeling anything else than the ache, the rest of your body was numb. You shook your head, and regretted instantly after you felt the throb as it swayed. All three of them examined your face with puzzled looks. Beryth then had an enlightenment, he flew over to you and pulled you up. He dragged you to Abby and placed your hand on her chest. You were flustered by this close contact and attempted to pull your hand away, but she took hold of it and forced it not to move "Let them do it." she sighed, obviously annoyed by your attitude.
"Now close your eyes and focus." Beryth enunciated.
"Focus on what?" you scoffed.
"Nothing, you should feel it." he said sternly.
This clearly wasn't a joke to them. You closed your eyes your hand on Abby's chest. You felt ridiculous and you could feel all of their stares on you while you tried to focus on nothing. Your mind slowly started to float away and a warm fuzzy feeling grew in your abdomen. You kept your eyes shut and concentrated on the tingling taking place inside of you. It grew and grew, you could now feel it in your fingers and it descended down your legs like cold and soft liquid trickling down in every inch of your body. Before you knew it you could see Abby. Not exactly Abby but the warmth inside of her, you could see her blood pulsing in her veins and her heart thudding behind her breast. You couldn't believe it, what you saw was glowing with a soft light such as the moon's. You could feel her emotions, your two bodies were living through each other. She was happy and you knew it was because you were discovering your new capabilities. You removed your hand in shock. You could still feel her happiness tickling your fingers.
"She felt it!" Abby said joy tinting her voice.
"Good!" Beryth and Forbeus chanted.
"This was only an ounce of your potential, with our teaching you will soon be able to use the moon's light as your own." Beryth explained. "Not only will you learn to control it but you will also learn how to master potions and the history of magic. You will enjoy it princess!"
They were all so enthusiastic about it, was it really that great? Even Abby got excited about it. What you had just experienced was stupendous. You had felt her emotions and seen the energy inside of her. She was full of magic you could tell that she too had been through these magic lessons. After all the guards that had saved you seemed to have used some sort of wizardry to stop your fall, it was only logical that the escort of the only remaining member of the royal family knew how to use them.
The lesson was over you were too exhausted to do anything else so they shooed you out of the room.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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