Chapter 1

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Lilly: *outside wondering around*
Marina: *comes up to her on her bike* hey Lilly
Lilly: hey
Marina: where's Arrow?
Lilly: oh she went to go check something out she said there was danger and so she went to check on the danger to keep everyone save
Marina: yeah that's Arrow for you
Lilly: yep she's always trying to keep everyone save
Marina: yeah but that's a dragon for ya
Lilly: yep
Marina: so whatcha up to
Lilly: just wondering around as usual you know all that fun stuff
Marina: yeah I know
Lilly: what are you up to today?
Marina: just off to see some old friends thought I'd stop by and say hi
Lilly: ok well see you around then
Marina: yep see ya
Lilly: hey are you working tonight?
Marina: no I got the day off
Lilly: ok see ya
Marina: bye *bikes off to her friends house*
Lilly: *walks around hears Arrow* that was Arrow *she runs towards where Arrow is* Arrow
Arrow: Lilly not now *hears her*
Matt: someone help us
Tord: don't worry Matt I've got this *points his gun at Arrow*
Lilly: NO! *gets in front of Arrow*
Edd: Tord don't shoot you might hit her instead of the monster
Tord: out of the way so then I can stop the monster before it hurts anyone
Lilly: put the gun down!
Tom: Tord come on obviously she's not going to let you shoot what ever it is
Tord: come on out of the way
Lilly: don't even think about it
Edd: Tord come on
Arrow: *flies off* I'll see you later Lilly
Lilly: ok *looks at the strangers*
Edd: sorry if we caused any problems
Lilly: you aren't the first *looking at Tord*
Tom: so what is this place exactly?
Lilly: welcome to Dragonworld
Tord: nice
Tom: lame *drinking Smirnoff*
Lilly: it's not lame here its fun here as long as you follow a few rules
Tord: like what?
Lilly: well first that was Arrow and she's a dragon she's really nice once she gets to know you
Tord: listen I'm sorry for what happened
Lilly: its fine as long as you don't hurt anyone your fine got it?
Tord: got it
Lilly: good come on I'll show you around
*they follow Lilly as she shows them around*
Lilly: *takes them to her place* you guys can come in if you want to *walks in*
Edd: ok *follows*
Matt: *follows Edd*
Tord: come on Tom let's go in
Tom: ok *walks in with Tord*
Lilly: *upstairs talking to Arrow*
Tord: where's Lilly?
Edd: she went upstairs to talk to Arrow she said she'll be back later
Tord: ok *sits on the sofa*
Tom: *sits next to him*
Arrow: *leaves*
Lilly: *comes downstairs* well that went well for the most part
Edd: that's a good sign right?
Lilly: I guess but she's still not happy
Tord: with what
Lilly: me
Tord: why isn't she happy with you?
Lilly: well let's just say we've been going through a lot so she can't handle too much at the moment
Tord: oh ok
Lilly: yeah
*they talk for hours*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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