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             Jackie's pov
My name is Jackie Blood. I'm 17. I have 4 brothers, Jack (my twin),  Blade, Oliver, and Zane and one sister, Kia. I have a mom, Maya and 4 dad's Blaze ( Dad), Ryan (papa), Zander (Poppy.) And Jason (Pops).  That about does it for family. I'm the only full vampire. Jack is half werewolf and half vampire. Kia, Zane, Oliver and Blade are werewolf. I'm the outcast of my family being the only one who has no werewolf. I get bullied for that.

"Jackie? Come on. We're going to be late for school." Jack said.
"Ok. I'm coming." I said as I followed Jack outside.
We started walking to school. I really didn't want to go. I just get treated like trash there. No one likes me. They just bully me. I'm glad this is my last year. We made it to the school.
"Jackie is something wrong?" Jack ask.
"No it's nothing. I'm fine." I lied to him.
"I know. Something wrong and you're going to tell me after school. Now I have to get to class " Jack said as he walked off. 
He's a good brother. I walked to class and sit in my seat. The teacher was in there yet but my bullies was. They keep watching me for and few minutes. One of them was about to get up and come at me but the teacher walked in. I was so happy she walked in time. She started class like she didn't notice what was about to happen.

Soon class was over and I walk out of the room. My bullies attacked me. I screamed but no one seem to care. They pulled me outside​ and started beating me into a tree. I was fighting and crying.
"No one will ever love trash like you. All you are is a blood sucking demon. Go off and die somewhere." One guy growled then let me go. 
Blood was running down my face. I got up and ran into the woods thinking maybe I should ended it all today. I go over to a tree and pulled out a knife from my pocket. I started cutting into my wrist. It hurt so bad and I want to go. This is the only way out.  Blood ran down as I started to pass out.

The Vampire and her twin mates (Sequel to Three Mates)Where stories live. Discover now