Chapter 2- Little White Borker

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I woke up to see a cloud. "Am I in heaven!?! Did I die!?!" After I looked a little closer I relised that it was not a cloud, but merely the Pomeranian I had saved. He giggled. "Don't worry, you are fine! You just got a few scars. I'm Gabe and I came to thank you. You uh- saved my life back there". "Oh, your welcome... hey wait! How did you get in!" I barked. "I might... have.. snuck in? Anyway, what's your name?" He honestly replied. "I am Doge" I answered. "THE KING DOGE?!?!?!" he screamed in shock. "I prefer to just be called Doge, but yes". "Thanks so much your majesty, without you I would be dead." He calmed down. I heard a small quiet footstep coming from the other room. "Quick! Hide before they notice you broke in!" I warned. Gabe jumped off of me and ran for the door, but it was too late. One of my servant's servants had come to see if I was okay. Fortunately, he did not notice Gabe by the door. Since humans didn't speak dog, I told Gabe to meet me in my room as I was carried upstairs. I was already starting to like that little guy. His cute personality fit him well.

He did as I told him and was upstairs even before I was. "I also wanted to say that I am sorry for all your injuries. You did that all for me. How can I make it up to you?" Gabe asked. "Living. Live your life peacfully. That would make it worth the pain" I answered, "That is all I ask of you".  "Aww Doge, I will. I promise I will live life to its fullest,
peacefully." Gabe reassured.

[Yes, chapter 2 was short, but it was important. I also want to do a question for each chapter that you can answer in the comments. Trust me, each comment makes my day 10 times better. Anyway, here it is:
Chapter 2 Question: What's a good ship name for Gabe and Doge? (other than Goge and Dabe)]

Much Royalty (Doge x Gabe)Where stories live. Discover now