Chapter One

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng was late. Again.

It was always like this - her double life as the famous superhero Ladybug conflicting hilariously with her normal one. This morning, however, it was anything but hilarious.

Marinette had to transform on her way to school in order to stop an akuma that had popped up out of nowhere and started attacking street vendors. It had taken an alarmingly short amount of time to subdue the akuma. So short, in fact, that she and Chat Noir stayed behind an extra 30 minutes to make sure it was truely over. And in doing so, it made her an hour late for school.

She burst into her second period class just as her teacher, Madame Buvaine, was calling role.
"Ah, Mlle Dupain-Cheng. So glad you decided to join us," she said dryly. Marinette gave a feeble excuse and sat down next to Alya.
Alya gave her a half amused, half annoyed look. Marinette noticed that Nino was sitting by himself. She wondered where Adrien was.

"Girl, where have been?"
Marinette returned her attention to Alya.

"I - uh - had some things - to - ah - do," Marinette said haltingly. She gave Alya a brilliant smile to keep her from getting suspicious. It didn't work.

Alya quirked an eyebrow and hummed.
"I'll figure out what you get up to sooner or later, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I'll find out the truth," Alya announced in her reporter voice.

Marinette laughed, "I'm sure you will."
Marinette didnt doubt that Alya would one day figure out her secret, she just hoped it wasnt anytime soon.

Alya's expression suddenly became serious. She opened her mouth, probably about to try to squeeze the truth out of Marinette, but she was distracted by another student suddenly barging into the classroom. It was Adrien.

"For heaven's sake!" Madame Buvaine cried.
Adrien apologized profusely and gave an excuse about being stuck in traffic. He sat down next to Nino and the two of them began talking quietly.

Alya glanced at Marinette. "Seems like you're not the only one who doesnt know what time school starts," she whispered just loud enough for Marinette to hear. "You two really are meant for each other."

Marinette felt her face redden, and she glanced at Adrien to make sure he hadn't heard Alya. Adrien was studiously taking the notes Mme Buvaine was writing on the board. Marinette relaxed, he hadn't heard.

Marinette watched him take notes for a few more moments, her gaze evetually falling on the hand he was writing with. His fingers were long; she wondered absently if he played the piano, or maybe the violin. Then, she noticed something. She felt her brow furrow. What was that on his middle finger? She leaned forward slightly in her desk to study his hand better. It was ...

... a ring?

Her entire body went cold. Where had she seen that ring before? It looked so familiar...

Marinette leaned forward a bit more. She squinted. It was right there on the tip of her thoughts. It was teasing her. She knew she'd seen it before. If she could just get a little closer.

"Marinette? What are you doing?" Alya hissed quietly. She sounded alarmed.

Marinette turned her head to look at Alya, and as she did, she moved her arm too, knocking her pencil bag off her table, and sending it flying into the back of Adrien's head.


Marinette's hands flew to her mouth and her face heated in embarassment. She glanced at Alya who was wearing the same horrified expression Marinette felt.

Adrien turned around to look at her in bewilderment.

"Oh! Adrien! I'm so sorry! It was an accident - I didn't mean - "

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