Letters From Home

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Dear sis,

So nice to hear from you. Sorry it took so long for me to write back. Frank and I have been trying to consolidate two households into one before we get married. Do you realize how hard it is when you have two of everything? And trying to figure out which we want to keep? You know stubborn Frank - he never wants to get rid of anything. Even if it's a bunch of ratty old socks with holes in them. (He says they make good rags. I say they're a good way to start a campfire!)

Anyway, about your question with those two guys. I say it's always nice to be noticed. Noticed and appreciated! So, MY first question is... do both Mike and Brad know how you feel about them? And does each one know that you like the other one too? (Yes, it's two questions. I'm your sister. I can break the rules if I want.)

Let's start first with Brad. What do you like about him? I know you see him every day because you work with him. But is there more to it than just being "in the trenches" together at work? Is he someone you feel a real connection with, or is he more "Mr. Right Now" rather than "Mr. Right"? Same questions for Mike. What do you like about him?

I guess the other thing you need to consider is how you fit into it. By that I mean, what are you looking for? Are you looking for something long-term, like you want either guy's last name? Or is this just a "hit it and quit it" thing? If you're looking for just a booty call or fun without strings, you better be 100% clear about that with these guys. You do NOT want to start playing with a guy's heart, especially if he's looking for a Mrs. rather than a one-night-stand.

Along that line, you have to be honest with both of them. It's mean and cruel to string somebody along, so whoever you decide is the guy for you, make it crystal clear to both of them which one you picked, and stick with your decision.

I'm not trying to be mean, so please don't take it that way. I just want you to be happy, and for whichever guy you choose to be happy with you. In the end, only you know what's best for you. In the long run, it doesn't matter what I think, or what anyone else thinks, because only you can live YOUR life.

I guess my advice would be to examine for yourself which guy fills your needs best - ALL of your needs. The answer might be "None of the above", so don't be surprised if that's it. You need figure out what measure of a man you're going to use, and stick to it.

It doesn't matter if you choose Brad, or you choose Mike, or you decide that neither of them is right for you. Like I said, I want you to be happy. You're my sister and I'll support you 100% no matter what your decision is.

Text me once you get this letter. I wanted to go over some stuff about the wedding but I'll need you to see some of the stuff I'm thinking of. Maybe see if Skype or Facetime works on your system? Love you.


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