Chapter 5: Big News

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So here's the fifth chapter guys! I love making these, this is my second one today! So I hope you enjoy! ^*^

°Ayame's POV°

I got up bright and early, I had things I had to do before I was going to meet Kakashi at the training grounds. I wore a blue shirt with the shorts I usually use, and my shirt had my clans symbol on at the back. It was a small one. My clans symbol is three crystals next to each other, a small one at the left side, the biggest one in the middle and a medium sized one on the left side. This was my first time wearing a shirt with my clans symbol on in the Hidden Leaf. I felt proud saying I came from the Arakawa Clan.

I headed off to Kushina and Minato's house. Kushina wanted to tell me some big news. Hopefully it isn't 'I've tamed the nine tales' since it's too late now. I knocked on their door and waited for someone to open it. The door opened and Minato was behind it. "Come in Ayame." he said. I stepped inside and sat on their couch.

"Ayame! I can't wait to tell you!" I heard Kushina yell from the back garden. She made her way into the living room and sat down in front of me on the other couch.

"Okay, so. What is it you wanted to tell me?" I asked

"Minato, you tell your news first!" Kushina insisted. Minato sighed and started to talk,

"Well, the Hokage called me into his office today and asked me something special." Minato explained

"And that is?" I questioned, Kushina was smiling her head off while putting her hands together.

"I've been asked by the Third Hokage, to be the... Fourth." Minato continued.

There was silence in the room except from Kushina's clapping.

"Um, say again?" I thought I heard something unbelievable.

"I'm going to be the Fourth Hokage." he said once again.

My jaw almost fell to the floor. I couldn't speak I was speechless. To think Kakashi's Sensei is going to become... THE FOURTH HOKAGE OF THE LEAF VILLAGE!

"SERIOUSLY?!" I shouted in amazement.

"Yes, seriously." Minato smiled and laughed at my reaction.

I was dumbfounded for a while, until I snapped back to reality. That's right Kushina has news to tell me too.

"What were you going to tell me Kushina?" I reminded her.

"Oh yes. Well your not going to believe this but I'm going to become... A 'mother'!" She replied smiling her head off once again.

"You mean you're.." I said

"Yes I'm pregnant!" Kushina replied giggling. Minato was smiling too.

"Congratulations to the both of you! I can't believe your going to have a baby!" I said in a loud tone.

"Thank you very much Ayame. I appreciate your support. Even I couldn't believe I was going to become a father when she told me about the news" Minato told me. I felt so happy. I actually can't believe my close friend who is like my sister is going to have a baby! It honestly took a while to sink in.

"What are you going to name the baby?" I asked.

"We don't know yet, we'll have to find out what sex it is before naming him or her." Kushina replied

"But won't that mean, giving birth would release the nine tails?" I pointed out.

"Yes, that's right. But the Hokage is wanting to have Kushina deliver the baby far away from the village and have a barrier around us, while I keep the seal in tact." Minato explained

"Oh, well hopefully it all works out." I said in concern.

"Don't worry, it's going to be a few months before I deliver the baby." Kushina added.

"We want to ask you something, and hopefully you will accept." Minato said

I stared at them wondering what they wanted me to accept.

"We want you to be the Godmother of our baby, and become it's Guardian." They both asked me together.

"Are you really asking 'me' to be your child's Guardian and Godmother?!" I said in shock. I felt proud when they asked me this.

"Yes, so do you accept?" Minato asked.

"Of course I will! Anything for you two, you're like family to me!" I said accepting the offer.

"If anything happens to us during the delivery, then please look after our child." Kushina said

"I promise I will protect the child with my life." I swore to them.

"Thank you very much, Ayame." Minato replied. I stayed and chatted with them for a while and it was an hour until noon.

"I'm sorry but I have to leave now." I said heading to the door. Minato followed me while Kushina went into the kitchen.

"Can I ask you a favour?" Minato asked before I stepped outside.

"Yeah, sure, what is it you want me to do?" I replied.

"Can you watch over Kushina during her pregnancy? Since she is a Jinchuriki after all and only a Jinchuriki can understand how another Jinchuriki feels. I'll also be a lot more busier being Hokage and all." Minato said. I nodded and went off. Minato waved goodbye and closed the door. Oh I feel so trusted, being asked to be the Godmother and Guardian of their child and to watch over Kushina during her pregnancy!

I have one hour left before going to see Kakashi. Hmm what should I do? I walked to a plain field. No one was there. Just a plain field covered with luscious green grass and beautiful flowers. I used to come here by myself as a kid when I felt down. I can't believe no one comes here, it's such a beautiful place. I could practice my Crystal skills here. Yeah that's what I'm going to do.

I sat down and made a Crystal target. I then created a long, sharp Crystal rod. I've been working on this before I returned to the Konoha. I grasped the rod and threw it at the target. The target was a few metres away from me. The rod hit bulls eye, and when that happened my two creations shattered due to the impact. I then made a Crystal heart. I'll give this to Kakashi as a gift. This will remind him of me and he will know if I'm safe. If the heart shatters into pieces then I would've died. And then if it has many cracks It would mean I am severely hurt. This will make him happy. I lay down on the grass and looked at the clouds. They had no shape just big blobs of white. I closed my eyes and took a quick nap. I should rest up before using a lot of chakra to show Kakashi.

I know it was short, but this is the second chapter today. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter coming soon! ^_^

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